NLP 21-Day Mind Reset February 2022

Are You Ready To Create YOUR New World?

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is one of the most powerful sets of transformational tools and techniques driving a paradigm shift in performance and possibility in your personal and professional life.

NLP has enjoyed nearly 50 years of success. Drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including cognitive, behavioural, and social psychology, neuroscience, quantum linguistics, hypnosis, emotional release, and more. Neuro-linguistic Programming facilitates the transition from ordinary to EXTRAordinary.

You already HAVE the power to create the LIFE experience YOU WANT. If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to LEARN how to master your mind and AUTOMATE new behaviours.

Attend NLP & Time Line Therapy® Training Live & Virtually Online

Your Power Is Your Consciousness - Have You Learned How To Drive A New Level Of Perception?

To Discover What We Really Believe We Must First Release A Century Of Mind Programming

You Are Not Broken Or Fixed, Healthy or Unhealthy, Better or Worse, Depressed or Happy, Wealthier or Poorer Than Any Other Person On This Planet.

You Are A Merely Living In The Reality Matrix Created By Your Belief System.

The Lion’s Share of YOUR Belief System Was NOT Created By You.

The mindset of humanity has been poked, prodded, tested and hypnotised for over a century. 

We have allowed our greatest vulnerability – fear of death – to be used as a tool to separate us from one another and our greatest strength – communication and connection.

By engaging in the NLP 21-Day Mind Reset you give yourself the opportunity to free your mind of a century of external programming and align with the SOURCE of your power – consciousness.

It’s time to uncover your true self, identify what YOU really want, and


that connects you with your purpose, those you love and humanity.

The more we respect individuation, the greater our acceptance of EVERYONE.

FEAR lives in the extremes of all concepts.

It’s Time To Find Equilibrium.

We've Been In The Consumption Habit For A Long Time Now

Imagine your mind to be like a giant oak door in an old house.  The door is heavy and it takes effort to open it.  As a result, if we don’t have to open the door, it’s easier to keep it closed.  After all, it’s easier to get in and out using the lighter side door, and much more convenient. Anyone can enter easily through the side door.

If the door is closed, it blocks out any uncomfortable drafts or breezes.  The longer the door is left closed, the more we forget it is there.  We may even cover it with a curtain so that it becomes just an ornate object on the wall of our house.  The longer it remains an ornate element of our life experience, the more we perceive it as something comfortable, another belonging frozen in time.  Like a picture on the wall, it merely observes the happenings of our reality. So long as the door remains closed, our reality flows along in the way we expect it to.  Fulfilled expectations, negative or positive are known and reassuring.

We can exist in this pattern for decades.  It takes a profound level of curiosity, or an extreme crisis such as a fire in the house, to motivate us to open that giant oak door.  And when we CHOOSE to open it, the mind reset has already begun.  Through that giant oak door lies the potential to create an entirely new reality, at will.

A coach, a training course, or an experience cannot open the door, ONLY you can.  The presence of the former is there to guide you in your new potential reality.  Everything else is up to YOU.

Practical, Expansive & Impactful

This is a fully experiential training using the whole range of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and other techniques.  We’re going to explore everything from consciousness and the exploration of telepathy, to meditation, archetypes and how to work with them, the practical process of creation and MORE! 
The workshops are 100% discussion, demonstration, and practice.  

Attend NLP & Time Line Therapy® Training Live & Virtually Online

NLP 21-day Mind Reset
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