Redesign My Reality Toolkit

Redesign My Reality Toolkit

The Power Of Influence Exists In Your Mind Are You Ready To Activate Yours?

To change your current reality, you need to shift your state of mind by thinking new thoughts, which create new feelings and ways of being.  The Redesign My Reality Toolkit can support you in making this shift right now.

Is your mind working FOR you or as a rogue operator?

If you’re living in a reality that feels energetic, enjoyable and has just the right amount of stretch, you’re collaborating beautifully with your mind and your environment.

Conversely, if you feel as if you’re struggling to keep things on an even keel, life feels like a daily battle with ever-more challenges or you’re experiencing regular anxiety or boredom, it’s time to build a more intimate relationship with your internal CEO. Just so you know, your CEO is your consciousness, your power source and your infinite wisdom.

If you want to create a different life experience to the one you have right now, you’ve got to BE HERE in the moment right now.  If you’re not, you’re creating on autopilot, based on your anxieties about the future or past experiences.

Only YOU can choose your thoughts. Nobody in the world can put a thought inside your head without your permission.  You are the master of your mind and the guardian of your thoughts.  It’s time – RIGHT NOW – to decide if you’re going to take OWNERSHIP of your mind, or not.  The choice is yours.

Use The 'Redesign My Reality Toolkit' To Create A New Perception In Five Simple Steps

This toolkit gives you a good grounding in how to redirect your consciousness. You are more powerful than you know and since we aren’t trained to wield our immense life force from birth, we must learn the skills later on in life. It takes time, mental discipline and commitment and the process is really EASY.

Five-Step Programme Audio Visual Programme

Step One – Introduction & Overview – 36 mins

Step Two – Retrieve Your Power Video & Workbook – 50 mins

Step Three – Morning Audio Tools – 8 mins/day

Step Four – Evening Audio Tools – 8 mins/day

Step Five – Anytime Support Tools – 5-7 mins (Optional)

Redesign My Reality Toolkit

Simply select a morning and evening audio tool each day, based on how you feel in that moment, and listen. 

It’s so simple!  Just engage, open your mind and repeat.

In 8 short days you’ll begin to see a different reality emerging in your world!

Click the button now to buy online and you’ll be changing your reality in just a few short minutes.

Power of Influence Vs. Control

We can’t control external factors and we can’t control how life unfolds. What we do have is a significant power of influence over how we experience external factors and life.

That power is accessed through the energy or frequency of our thoughts and feelings. When we learn to use the power of our thoughts to switch our energy, we begin to access the profound intelligence inside that can elevate our life experience exponentially.

When we collaborate with this inner wisdom, present in all of us, our clear intentions and directed thoughts allow us to perceive life through the lens of abundance and happiness.

Energy in the quantum world, the realm of our consciousness, supports us in claiming our human rights of creation, joy, abundance, love, friendship and connection.

If we rely on evidence or validation from the external world, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.  We have absolutely NO ability to control others or our environment. 

To design a reality that feels empowering, expansive and joyful, we want to measure our performance and progress by assessing only the elements of life we have the power of influence.  Specifically, just ourselves, our emotions, our belief system and our perception.

No matter what you’ve been told, or what you learned as a child, we did NOT come here to suffer.

We came here to learn how to drive the vehicle of our consciousness in a world of polarity and complete sensory awareness.  We are fully empowered with free will and the power to actively choose our experience.

And yes, it might be helpful if we were taught that in school!

We're Evolving And We Want It All


The world is changing rapidly and we’re not willing to settle for imbalance any longer. Specifically, we want it all. If we’re successful on the inside we want to see that success manifest in the outside world. In the same way, if we’re successful in the outside world we want to match that with internal success, joy and profound satisfaction.

The good news is, you CAN have it all and we’re finally learning to release the archaic concept of self-sacrifice from our consciousness. Now, we have to learn how to drive our consciousness, thoughts, feelings and perception now that we’re freeing ourselves from old limitations.

All you need is an open mind and a desire to create a reality that feels free and joyous for you, yourself and you! That’s it.

Are You Ready To Begin The Journey Of Mind Collaboration?

This programme supports you in the power of actively CHOOSING your frequency.  We can’t control life.  Control is an illusion triggered by fear and life just is. 

We CAN direct our frequency and choose how we feel, think and react to life.  This, in turn trains us to see the world for what it really is.  A magnificent extension of our consciousness giving us the power to perceive it in a way that feels empowering and real for us.

We do this by literally stripping back all the unnecessary layers of baggage we’re carrying around in our head.

When we free up the energy we’re pumping into the past (which we can’t change) or the future (which hasn’t happened yet), we feel more present in the moment and full of life.

It’s time to give yourself a MASSIVE energy boost!

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