How To Build Your Confidence And Find More Balance Through The Black Jaguar
When we work with the Black Jaguar as a guide, this energy rapidly expedites our personal and spiritual growth. This powerful feline energy expands our consciousness in such a way that we can face our fears and overcome them from a place of power. Moreover, of all the animal spirit guides black jaguar brings balance, courage, confidence and passion.
The Black Jaguar has powerful and positive energy. Even though she may show up when we’re feeling dark or life seems particularly dark, she arrives to remind us there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Her role is to encourage us to keep moving forward in the same direction and to trust our instincts.
In fact, since the Black Jaguar helps us to find our courage, what she’s really shining a light on is our ability to have faith in ourselves. What’s more, if you go deep within to connect with this energy, she will support you in finding your inner wisdom and showing you knowledge you were previously unaware of. All of these experiences will build your confidence.
This feline teacher also links to the cycle of life, death, rebirth and rejuvenation. Moreover, she helps us connect with Mother Nature through all the elements. When we are connected to the present moment, we are connected to everything in our environment and we are grounded. Actually, through balance, collaboration and co-operation we can heal ourselves and the earth. There is always time for rest, play and work.
In addition, she reminds us to face our fears and live in the present moment. There is only now. Only in the present can we find and reclaim our power!
Teachings of The Shamans And Indigenous People
The teaching from the Native American people and other Indigenous people, suggests that humans always have a choice between the path of competition and the path of cooperation.
Specifically, we can either work with Mother Nature and the planet or we can try to compete with nature and imagine that we have supremacy over her. What’s more, this isn’t just about nature, we can also choose to move towards co-operation with other humans on this planet.
The Indigenous people, and many others, believe that to heal the earth we have to heal humanity and will only become possible as we return to a relationship of cooperation with all of life. To heal ourselves we want to return to the awareness of who we really are. It’s time to remember our original consciousness and access all the wisdom held within. We will literally create our reality.
In fact, we have all the necessary knowledge, gifts and talents to heal ourselves and this planet. As we move into the Age of Aquarius we will begin to access our telepathic and psychic capability. Consequently, this will give us the knowledge we need to find rapid and innovative solutions in the next decade.

Animal Spirit Guides, Shamanism and Wicca
In the shamanic tradition, spirit animals serve two purposes. Firstly, they can be spirit guides who appear in animal form. Secondly, they are symbolic of archetypal energies and character traits we are either working on or trying to bring into our behavioural presence. If you are more of the Wiccan persuasion, an animal spirit guide is called a ‘familiar’. Needless to say, a black feline energy is frequently associated with Wicca.
Actually, black jaguars, black leopards, black cougars and black mountain lions were all thought to be “panthers.” Once upon a time people believed that they were a separate species and hence all named Panthers. However, later we discovered they were entirely different species, merely sharing the same colour.
How Does The Black Jaguar Energy Support Us?
In Mayan mythology, the black jaguar is seen as the ruler of the Underworld, and as such, a symbol of the night sun, lunar energy, and darkness. Before you start to wonder if you should avoid any association with big black cats altogether, consider the positive representation of this.
Cats are nocturnal creatures, they encourage us to embrace our fears by facing them. In doing so, we can conquer our fears and reclaim our power.
Closely associated with the moon, we are encouraged to face our shadow selves. To really conquer our fears we have to look deep inside and see them for what they really are. This starts with acceptance of their presence. Once we acknowledge their existence, we can do the work to release them.
As a result, the black jaguar represents rebirth. Having travelled through the underworld and faced our fears we are reborn into the light. The black jaguar also relates to the tarot card of Death, which also represents endings, beginnings and rebirth. In astrology, the black jaguar relates to Pluto and Scorpio energy.
Essentially, once we have faced our fears, we have cleared the path to conscious creation, we are aware of our darkness and can consciously redirect our desires. That is to say we can unleash our desires, without fear of judgement. Even more powerful, we unleash our energy, taking action in the present moment and we learn to allow the future to take care of itself!
Associations Of The Animal Spirit Guides Jaguar & Black Jaguar
In general, the black jaguar reminds us to pay attention to the events currently surrounding us and to live in the present. Sometimes, if we spend time thinking about the past or the future, we miss the opportunities right in front of us in the present moment. Stop, breathe, look and listen.
The Black Jaguar and the Jaguar also associate with the following concepts, values or traits:
- Awareness
- Instincts
- Agility
- Strength
- Avoidance
- Balance
- Beauty
- Conflict
- Embracing Darkness
- Grace
- Grounding
- Knowledge And Inner Wisdom
- Power
- Self-Reliance
- Shadow Self
- Skill
- Speed
- Strength
- Courage
- Rejuvenation

Animal Spirit Guides Black Jaguar - Self Help Tool - Shamanic Meditation Series
This guided meditation from my Shamanic Meditation Series will help you travel deep into your unconscious mind and shapeshift into the spirit of the black jaguar and embody all of her powerful traits.
Use this 50-minute meditation to feel good about who you are, find your sensuality and passion, expedite your personal growth and spiritual expansion and find the courage to let go and face your fears. Pop your headphones in and let go. All you have to do is follow the instructions. Enjoy connecting with your Animal Spirit Guides Black Jaguar, balancing energy and more!
If you’d like to be notified about new uploads to listen and watch on my You Tube Channel, please subscribe by clicking the button below.
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