How Assertive Is Your Communication Style?

There have been hundreds of books written on the concept of assertiveness.  It’s one of those skills that are regularly referred to in communication skills training. So, how assertive is your communication style? What’s interesting is that assertiveness is often confused with aggression, when actually they couldn’t be more different.  Assertiveness has no requirement for … Read more

Mindfulness is a Powerful Approach To The Modern World

Mindfulness is a Powerful Approach

‘Mindfulness’ is one of those terms that we recognise as something to do with inner peace. We know it’s probably a good idea, and yet the actual ‘doing of Mindfulness’ often gets lost in the modern-day rat race of 50 phone calls and 150 emails in your inbox. However, if we embrace it, mindfulness is … Read more

Thoughts on Authentic Leaders – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma's authentic leadership

This article discusses thoughts on authentic leaders by Robin Sharma.  Actually, his work led the authentic leadership mindset early on. Specifically, it moves us towards living and working in our truth. Moreover, it guides us to appreciate what being authentic means in daily life. Actually, Robin Sharma’s thoughts on Authentic Leadership were written several years … Read more

Freud’s Frosty Mind

Freud's Frosty Mind

Sigmund Freud’s ‘frosty mind’ view of how the mind works overall and this is summarised in his famous quote below. “The Mind is like an iceberg; it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water.”  Sigmund Freud According to Freud, our psyche is like an iceberg.  The id (or areas of primitive drives) lies hidden … Read more

Where Does The Inferiority Complex Come From?

inferiority complex

“To be human is to feel inferior.”  Alfred Adler Alfred Adler And Self-Esteem Alfred Adler was one of the first psychoanalysts suggesting that a person’s psychology is influenced by present and conscious forces.  Additionally,  he was curious about the influence of the social realm and environment as equally important to an individual’s past.  So, where … Read more

Good Questions Result In Meaningful Answers

“Do not quench your inspiration and imagination;  do not become the slave of your model.”  Vincent Van Gogh How was it that Einstein managed to find a solution that changed our world when many of his contemporaries were working in the same field without success? It’s simple.  Good questions result in meaningful answers. It’s really … Read more

Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom

Soren Kierkegaard was a philosopher born in Copenhagen in 1813 and lived in, what became known as the Danish Golden Age of Culture.  He studied Theology at university and during his time there he became very interested in Philosophy.  He believed that anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. Life Is Determined By Our Actions Kierkegaard … Read more

Stopping Specific Behaviours Improves Leadership Skills

Specific Behaviours Improve Leadership Skills

This article refers to the Top 10 Greatest Business Disasters.   Surprisingly, my first business wasn’t listed – te- he!  If you take a peek at the article, many of these disasters are attributed to specific actions taken. So, it makes how many disasters we can avoid.  Specifically, can stopping specific behaviours improve leadership skills? … Read more

Working To Eliminate Insomnia Using NLP

Working To Eliminate Insomnia

Long-term insomnia negatively impacts your physical, emotional and psychological well-being.  In fact, I am often working to eliminate insomnia, using the specific application of NLP techniques delivered in practical steps. Lack of sleep can create unhappiness, worry and depletes energy and concentration.  Similar to depression, insomnia is a behavioural pattern and it can be changed … Read more

How Does NLP training improve business skills?

All businesses benefit from strong communication skills.  Moreover, they need people who believe they can achieve beyond the possible. As a result, if you want to develop new insights into how we communicate, NLP training can serve you well.  Moreover, if you want to present your best, NLP training will improve a wide range of … Read more

Is Your Self Image Positive or Negative?

When I run Emotional intelligence training I use a variety of questionnaires to support people in gaining self-awareness.  I thought I’d share this on with you.  It’s taken from the book “Self-Scoring Emotional Intelligence Tests” by Mark Daniel.  Actually, this test is designed to assess whether your self-image is positive or negative. A Positive Perception … Read more

Destination training gets better results

destination training gets better results

I believe delegates get more from their training experience when they train away from home.  Whether they’re attending a Farcical Life Retreat or one of my Certified NLP Trainings I know that delegates can integrate their learning more effectively if they aren’t heading home to their usual lives every evening after class.  Quite simply, destination … Read more

Thought For The Day About Creation

Thought For The Day About Creation

There Are So Many Different Ideas About Creation So many of have different thoughts about what creation is and how it happens.  I love this quote below.  It sums up my thought for the day about creation. Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become … Read more

Keep Your Brain Alive!

Keep Your Brain Alive

Luminosity – To Keep Your Brain Active I’ve discovered Lumosity  It’s a great way to improve memory, cognitive brain function and keep your brain alive.  You can try it for free so what have you got to lose?  It’s fun! Why Should We Find New Ways To Keep Our Brains Active? We’re constantly … Read more

Does our strength come from our vulnerability?

Even talking about vulnerability can seem a little exposing, even today, some 10 years after the lovely Brené Brown brought it out on the table.  Actually, our connection to our strength comes from the ability to accept and acknowledge our vulnerability. Observations From A Reality TV Show I was watching the UK talent show “X … Read more

How To Use Language To Dissociate

Sarah Merron In Search Of Your Truth

When I train people to use NLP techniques in coaching, one of the most common questions of new coaches is “how do I maintain my own energy whilst coaching?” Essentially, they’re asking how to avoid getting caught up in a client’s emotions.  Actually, we can learn how to use language to dissociate from emotions and … Read more

Your Feelings Are Your Power

As a child, I was a huge fan of the original Star Wars trilogy.  OK so I had a crush on Harrison Ford, and yet the concept of the movie is incredibly powerful. In fact, it teaches that your feelings are your power. Films Follow The Human Psyche It always amazes me how much the … Read more

Self-Talk Makes Or Breaks Our Experiences

Self-Talk Makes Or Breaks Our Experiences

Diving Into The Unknown Enjoying or not enjoying your first dive is all in your head.  In fact, whenever we dive into the unknown, our self-talk makes or breaks our experiences.  That little voice inside our head can determine how we feel and how we react to situations. It Begins With Our Projections Allow me … Read more

How Values Can Support And Restrict Our Evolution

Values Can Support And Restrict

A Stimulating Conversation Earlier this week I flew back from Cairo to London Heathrow and had the privilege of sitting next to a very well educated young Egyptian Doctor.  As we began to chat, he was kind enough to share with me his views on the world and what’s currently happening in Egypt.  The conversation … Read more

Theodore Forstmann – An Inspiring Letter

Theodore Forstmann - An Inspiring Letter

The Source of Inspiration We can all find inspiration in any life experience, conversation or activity.  Actually, this one, by Theodore Forstmann is an inspiring letter for me.  Specifically, it allows me to think of wisdom as a treasure.  In fact, that experience where we delve into knowledge and then allow our self-reflection to deliver … Read more

Cognitive Dissonance – For And Against Success

Cognitive Dissonance And Success

Quite simply, cognitive dissonance works both for and against our success.  When we choose what we to do we are committed.  When we do what we HAVE to do we are compliant. Cognitive Dissonance And Success One of the key mindset differences of people who are truly successful and those who aren’t is that they … Read more

Superstitions, Pigeons and Behavioural Psychology

Superstitions Pigeons and Behavioural Psychology

The Birth of Behavioural Psychology Did you think Ivan Pavlov’s experiment with some dogs, a steak and an auditory anchor (or tuning fork) was interesting?  Indeed, if the answer is yes, you might be curious to learn that another Behavioural Psychologist, B. F. Skinner studied the laws of behaviour using pigeons.  In fact, Skinner thought … Read more

Depression Takes Effort

The first instance of a depressive feeling happens in flow or in the moment.  In fact, maintaining depression takes effort.  It requires a repetition of the same emotions, thoughts and body language.  Moreover, it requires us to go against the natural flow of those things to recreate it on a daily basis. The Mindset Master … Read more

Challenging Times Require Resilience

Challenging Times Require Resilience

Everyone on the planet faces challenges at some point in their life or another.  In fact, facing challenges is a fundamental part of our growth and development.  Since we can’t always prevent stumbling blocks in life, it’s important to know that challenging times require resilience.  What’s more, we all have an abundance of resilience deep … Read more

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