Hang On To Your Hats
I have a sneaking suspicion that the next three months will be, quite literally, mind-blowing for human awareness. We are in transition and expanding rapidly, so hang on to your hats! Now (and daily over the next few months) is the time to make a purposeful choice about the reality in which we choose to live. I’m talking about YOUR reality by the way – you’re here for you and that’s just fine. To make those powerful choices, we want to face everything in our world, both past, and present. The momentum appears when we appreciate that choice exists when avoidance does not.
Sometimes, life today feels like being trapped in the birthing canal for too long. In recent months, I have spoken with many people who are tired of the uncertainty and want to live in a happy bubble. Some are detaching themselves from media (mainstream, social and uncensored media), and I can appreciate that desire to live in a lovely happy bubble. And it’s just fine, so long as we know that covering our eyes and sticking our fingers in our ears keeps us in a holding pattern.
Karma or Dharma - The Choice Is Yours
Before you decide I’ve gone mad, let’s define the difference between karma and dharma in a tangible sense. Have you ever operated a pattern in your life where you keep repeating the same situation, over and over again, until you ask yourself “how is this happening again?” I know I have. This is karma. Until we explore all aspects of a pattern and begin to gain insight into the triggers, our blind spots, and the pattern itself, we repeat it. It is a life-long learning process.
Dharma is the act of investigating the pattern to death and then actively choosing a different path. This type of experiential learning supports us in evolving beyond the pattern and creating a new reality where a repeat is less likely to ever complete in the same way. We have full awareness of the sequential steps that led us here and how it began. To get on our dharmic path involves looking at EVERYTHING. Even the ideas, concepts, and thoughts we find uncomfortable. We want to open our minds to an expanded perception that allows for more awareness, information, and insights.
To be honest, the dharmic path may feel less attractive. Rather than staying in the womb, surrounded by knowns, warmth, and comfort, it involves action. Comparable with being born, we’ve got to turn around, get in the birth canal, endure the squeeze, face the blood and the chaos that brings us into being. Somewhat unappealing until you remember the outcome is freedom choice.

That's Nice, But When Do We Get Back To Normal?

He he, it slips back in doesn’t it? That longing for the past and how life used to be. Here’s the thing. Life is never going to be the way it used to be and that can be a really wonderful thing. In no way am I suggesting the recent or current level of restriction is going to remain. It’s not. However, from where we are now, and the steps that have led us here, it might be more useful to accept that there’s no going back.
It’s time for us to forge a new future. If we can accept where we really are, by digging deep to face what’s really happening, we can move forward and create a new reality that serves us all. What’s more, that reality will allow for differing opinions, goals, desires and dreams, in a way that UNITES us at the human level, rather than focusing on separation and difference.
How do we do it? Well, we want to alternate between the bird’s eye view of perspective and the determination of an oil drill. We want to let all the information in, decide which titbits resonate with us and then fly high and join the dots. Frankly, this is going to involve facing some of the more abhorrent or shocking aspects of where we find ourselves. So be it. If we know where we’re starting from, it’s easier to identify where we want to go.
What If? Followed By Radical Acceptance & Forgiveness
Anyone who has ever experienced a perspective shift, either by accident or intentionally, appreciates that we humans have a tendency to shift into self-berating monologues either inside our outside our minds. If you’ve done it several times, you’ll also know that punishing ourselves for not realising, not seeing, or even the actions we’ve taken as a result of that, is absolutely futile. Quite simply, we can’t change the past. Radical acceptance and forgiveness is the most powerful course of action.
Whether you choose to actively dig, or whether you don’t, I suspect a raft of new information is going enter your atmosphere in the next few months. Some of this may be highly contradictory to your current belief system. Unless you’re living in a mountain cave, it will reach you in some way. When it does, we want to assess that information against our own frequency, and we want to do that SLOWLY.
“What if that’s not true?” or “What if that is true?”
“I wonder if that is not the only reality?”
“What if this relates to that?”
“If THAT is really what’s happening,how does that impact my belief structure?”
All of these questions asked over may cause us to feel very strong emotions, depending on the reaction in us. Resist the urge to react and just sit with it. All energy dissipates with time and a well-considered response gives us the freedom of rosy hindsight. Hold it inside and use it to create purposeful momentum.
You may begin to question everything, including what you’re doing here on planet in this moment. Have some faith in yourself – you’re meant to be here now. Accept where you are, forgive yourself and others and decide on a purposeful path forward.
Paradigm Shifts Benefit From An Away-From Trigger
If you’re aware of frequency and consciousness, you might disagree with what I’m about to say. I ask you to keep an open mind.
Operating from a state of joy, peace, and calm tends to bring us more experiences of the same frequency. It’s lovely and a wonderful place to create from. However, there is a time and a place for everything and every frequency.
Just as avoiding seeing the WHOLE reality can feel very comfortable and pleasant in the short term, this frequency rarely TRIGGERS a paradigm shift, it just keeps us in a lovely safe holding pattern. Actually, the desire to avoid increases because what we refuse to look at morphs into the darkest caricature in our creative mind, often far worse than the reality. Guess what, we’re then scared of looking and instead of enjoying the purity of rainbows, unicorns, and joyful experiences, we’re constantly pushing against the fear vibration to manufacture joy.
So, which vibration do you imagine to be the dominant ‘attractor’ and ‘creator’ in this scenario? You’ve got it, we’re trapped on a hamster wheel of more fear, I can manufacture more joy, more fear, I have to manufacture more joy. It’s pretty tiring and not necessarily the vibe that will serve us, is it?

You may remember a few decades ago there was a story of a woman who lifted a car off the ground to free her trapped son from underneath it. She demonstrated super-human strength and courage. It’s unlikely she even thought about it. Completely in flow, she just did what needed to be done. Do you think it was a state of peace, calm, and joy that allowed her to activate this capability? I doubt it.
It’s the same when creating momentum for a paradigm shift. The trigger (rather than the long-term fuel) is often more powerful when we’re operating from extreme fear, a fierce sense of protectiveness, or dare I say it, rage. So, holding those powerful emotions inside and appreciating how we want to direct them (towards a breakthrough, rather than another person), we can use them to our benefit. And without the regret of damage or destruction.
When we know that energy is only the trigger we can assume a state of calm, purpose, and balance as we continue our journey on the new path. Staying in the sunlight on a long journey towards purposeful change is an energising place to be.
Consciousness Direction Is The Next Level Of Emotional Intelligence
When I first started training NLP in the first decade of the new millenium, emotional intelligence was a relatively new concept. I can still remember asking a delegate what emotion they felt during a particular task at work. The response was “I leave my emotions at home when I come to work, I’m a professional.”
We’re a little more comfortable now about the idea that passion fuels motivation and other emotions result in resistant behaviour. However, I get a sense of deja vu when I present the idea that our silent intentions create our reality. The wall of disbelief is back!
The impact of consciousness is REAL and it’s not going away. Just as assessing EQ became a critical part of the interview process, assessment of our ability to purposefully direct consciouness is coming to an interview near you soon.
So, here’s a little insight into this quantum machine we operate and how it prevents completely accurate predictions.
Everything is energy. An emotion or thought, a laptop or a table. It’s all energy, patterned in a specific way, with a specific density that allows it to present it physical form or something less tangible.

Working Toward Unity & Freedom To Be
The planet, the universe and everything in it is energy. All energy operates a personal consciousness and is connected to a group consciousness, based on frequency. Different energies have different frequencies, and it is always in motion.
Until we learn to drive our consciousness, the pattern or characteristics of our FORM drive our behaviour. What we do can be predicted. Effectively, we operate more on the side of biology and replication, than evolution.
When we learn to purposefully direct our consciousness, we are learning to collaborate with all the other frequencies (either group or individual) operating in our universe. We will align or resonate with some more than others. We do not perceive outside of our frequency unless we force ourselves to.
Two groups can experience the same situation and operate two separate realities based on the frequencies they are aligned with. This is the reason that it’s futile to ask “how can they not see, hear, understand, feel that?”, it’s a matter of frequency.
As a result, thrusting our viewpoint or information into a different awareness frequency could result in blindness (they can’t see it or hear it), disbelief (they’ll think you’re crazy or stupid), or pure anger (an unnecessary argument will ensue). However, finding common ground, which is always present since we’re all human beings, we can begin to ask questions about other realities of frequency with the purpose of discovering more common ground. To be clear, two people can share the same energy frequency and have entire different perspectives or beliefs, We’re not looking to create repetitive clones, we want to come together and find unity in frequency, whilst having the freedom to be, do and have what we want as individuals.
We Don't Know What's Going to Happen
When you see the phrase “waking up” it relates to the idea that a person is learning how to direct their consciousness. It’s a training process involving testing and feedback. We don’t just wake up one morning and put the kettle on with our mind! Not yet, but soon.
Millions of people are waking up as we speak. This means that the vibration or frequency of our environment is changing, since more and more people are discovering how to redirect unwanted thoughts and hold themselves in a high frequency emotional state. Together we are raising the vibration of humanity, the planet and everything on it. Awakening is inevitable, the pace is yet to be set.
During the learning process, we may end up where we want and we may not. Each day is a new opportunity to exercise the gifts of our birthright. We can’t predict timing accurately and we can’t predict how people are going to behave accurately, since energy is always in motion and there’s a fine line between chaos and order. All we can do is feel into the energy of the environment and read that, gaining as much insight as we can.
Do You Want To Play or Spectate?

What it does mean is the more people who begin to purposeful direct their consciousness now, the faster we will realise a possible future free from stress, free from crisis and free from war.
A world where health is monitored in the mind and tweaked at the quantum level with vibrational medicine. A world where children are taught to find the joy of SELF before they’re told to memorise data.
A world where money is almost inconsequential since technology and abundance is freely available. A world of creativity rather than repeat and return.
A world where human consciousness can reach beyond the confines of old earth and connect with the possibility of life beyond this planet. Who knows, it’s exciting.
So, are you going to play or are you going to spectate? Be aware, creative direction is only available to players. 🙂
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