Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions

There Are Many Dimensions Beyond The Three Most Familiar

As you read this, you can increase your awareness of height by raising your hand above your head. You can notice width by stretching your hands to either side. Extend your arms front and back and you are appreciating the three-dimensional space in which you currently reside. Then, by glancing at the clock you’re suddenly aware of the fourth dimension – time. However, any dimension beyond this seems intangible or symbolic of an idea. As a result, you may or may not have noticed that expansive, fully present, coaching facilitates expansion into new dimensions. Specifically, the experience delivers a broader perspective in multiple new thought dimensions.

Attachment, Non-Attachment And Going Beyond The Senses

Our buildings and our education tell us that space is three-dimensional. In fact, when I mention “different dimensions” in training, people tend to ask “are you talking about parallel universes and alternate dimensions where the status quo is different?”

Actually, dimensions are simply the different facets of what we perceive to be reality. We are immediately aware of the three dimensions that surround us on a daily basis – those that define the length, width, and depth of all objects in our universes (the x, y, and z axes, respectively).

However, beyond these three visible dimensions, physicists believe there are many more. Some suggest ten or eleven (M-Theory) and others twenty-six. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter how many there are. What’s important is that the intention of coaching always wants to facilitate expansion beyond the three or four we are most familiar with.

Additionally, it’s useful when coaching can separate us from an over-attachment to the first four dimensions. An over-attachment to TIME, for example, can be destructive to peace and harmony in the now.  In fact, a firm focus on time can limit our ability to get out of the conscious mind and into the vast expanse beyond.

Breaking Boundaries Involves Going Beyond The Conscious Mind

Artists, writers, scientists and philosophers such as Salvador Dali, Charles Hinton, Newton, Galileo and Leibniz have been encouraging us out of our 3D awareness for hundreds of years.  In fact, it was French mathematician René Descartes (1596-1650), who developed the co-ordinate system we now call ‘the Cartesian System’ in the 17th century.

Rumour states he was watching a fly on the ceiling from his bed. He wondered how to best describe the fly’s location and decided that one of the corners of the ceiling could be used as a reference point.  Effectively, Descartes discovered that with this thought framework he could link geometric shapes and equations. Specifically, a circle with a radius of 1 can be described by the equation x2 + y2 =1.  I’m pretty sure Descartes would fall off his bed if he knew that his idea had expanded into the possibility of a ten or eleven dimensional universe!

If we continue along this line of thinking, we can add a third dimension. With an x, y and z axis, we can describe the surface of a sphere. The equation for a sphere with a radius of 1  becomes: x2 + y2 + z2 = 1.

We’ve talked about time, so let’s add that in now. For the sake of ease, let’s call this ‘t’. (If you’re a mathematician, resist the urge to berate me for using ‘t’! The equation for the  sphere sitting in four-dimensional space: x2 + y2 + z2 + t2 = 1.  Every point is uniquely identified by its coordinates.

Clearly, from this point we can continue.  Moveover, the journey so far is easy to grasp consciously. However, the step beyond this point takes us into the deep abyss of the unconscious mind.


Questioning Using The Cartesian Quadrant Framework

Within the realms of NLP, coaching facilitates expansion (initially) via a linguistic technique called Cartesian Quadrant questioning to break the boundaries of the conscious mind; opening to new possibilities.

Essentially, this technique confuses the conscious mind into breaking beyond a limitation. For those of you who’ve experienced coaching with this technique, it can be deeply frustrating and simultaneously expansive.

In reality, this technique expands our thinking beyond the fourth dimension, allowing any limitation in our conscious belief framework to be superseded by our unconscious resources.

So, the next question is, “how do we break even further beyond to access our innovative thinking and profound creativity?”

In NLP coaching we use further techniques from Quantum Linguistics, Storytelling and the awareness of evolutionary values.  Interestingly, Quantum physics concepts can also offer us an interesting framework.

Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions

Experiencing Beyond The Fourth Dimension

Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions

Discussion about the shifting of human consciousness into the fifth dimension is prevalent in the media today.  Astrologers have suggested that this could result in ‘super-human’ capabilities. 

As this article states, exploration into the fifth dimension was driven by a desire to “draw a connection between the two main forces of gravity and electromagnetism, which otherwise seem indirectly related in our perceivable universe.”

Quantum physicists suggest that If we could see on through to the fifth dimension, we would see other worlds, only slightly different from our own and we could measure the similarity and differences between our world and other possible ones.

When I ponder the concepts of gravity and electromagnetism alongside the idea of superhuman capability, I wonder if access to this dimension may allow us to use thought energy to impact movement of the physical or tangible.  Effectively, telekinesis.

Enter Metaphysics And Spirituality

Beyond the realms of the fifth dimension, quantum physics continues to present dimensional explanations and we also enter the zone of metaphysics. Some refer to them as frequencies and others as dimensions.

Quantum physicists suggest that in the sixth dimension, we would see a plane of possible worlds, where we could compare and position all the possible universes that started with the same Big Bang as ours did. It is suggested that time travel is possible if we can master the fifth and sixth dimensions. I’m game! Mind you, I might suggests that we are more than capable of time travelling on in the unconscious mind right now! In fact, we time travel in our mind using our emotions, sense of smell, and others every single day.

Perhaps, these dimensions will impact our ability to effect the past or future using this existing mental time travel.  Or maybe something else.  What if it’s merely a matter of perspective?  I wonder whether everything exists in our reality as potential.  Thus it is an expansion in our consciousness which flicks the switch enabling us to see, hear or perceive those things with our senses.  Consequently, it might be useful to ask whether dominance of conscious thinking blocks our ability to see that which exists in myth.

Possibilities In The 7th & 8th Dimensions

In the seventh dimension, it is said we can access possible worlds that start with different initial conditions. Unlike previous dimensions, everything is different to the universe as we know it from start point conditions to direction. The eight dimension supposedly takes us a step further to infinity, where an infinite number of initial conditions and possibilities exist.

My brain hurts, which teaches me something useful.  Conceiving these dimensions is extremely challenging when we attempt it from the conscious mind.  To perceive these expansive possibilities we want to allow our unconscious to do the hard work, a bit like a supercomputer.  There is still no computer in existence as with the same potential as the human BEING.  So, let’s use all of our BEING to reach out and explore.  Let’s activate our unconscious and our complete sensory awareness.  Moreover, let’s start creating the space to connect with our INTUITION.

If nothing else, let’s see how comfortable we can get with uncertainty.  This in itself is an expansion from where we are now.

Mindblowing Expansion - Ninth & Tenth Dimensions

In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories. Perhaps we might begin by considering all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. Just imagine the number of variables!

In the tenth dimension, we can realise a perspective from which everything is possible and we can create from our imagination. Isn’t it interesting how the promise of this is prevalent in much of the personal development world today. However, it’s useful to remember there is no magic wand and mind expansion takes investment, patience and willpower.

In fact, from a theoretical perspective, since a dimension is just another co-ordinate on the axis or another ‘degree of freedom’, we could continue to imagine an infinite number of dimensions. However, just experiencing the symbolism of that concept is somewhat mind-blowing! Moreover, since most of us have a challenge getting beyond the first four thought dimensions, we may want to work on expanding our consciousness one step at a time.

Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions

Modern Leadership Benefits From This Exploration

Inspiring leadership involves a continuous expansion of awareness at every level.  Moreover, leaders who ignore the idea that much of this expansion takes place in the unconscious mind, have an over-focus on critical analysis and will be superseded by those more open to the realms of possibility.

In the same way that a powerful leader has one foot in the present moment and one in the future, the modern leader wants to have one eye assessing feedback and the other on reality creation.

The coaching mindset is an absolute necessity for companies wanting to create sustainable growth.  Specifically, a world viewed from this perspective engenders possibility mindset in teams and the ENERGY to create truly innovative solutions.

With multiple new realities becoming evident in the 2020s, rather than repeating the past, we are looking for a paradigm shift in thinking to realise a new future.  In essence, the continuous application of this mindset of coaching facilitates expansion.

Final Thoughts: Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions

Coaching always wants to facilitate more choice.  Moreover, if we consider coaching from this dimensional or mathematical perspective we can enjoy the symbolism of “another degree of freedom” every time time we add another co-ordinate to the axis.

In reality, coaching is not a tool, it is a mode of thinking which is expansive in its nature.  This mode of thinking is a prerequisite for realising our intentions and desires in the 21st century.  We want to go beyond the conscious and create from the realms of our imagination. 

Clearly, this is easier said than done.  In fact, any experienced coach, trainer, therapist, meditation guide or psychologist knows this is life’s journey.  Rather than being a matter or snapping our fingers or waving a wand, it is the process of experiencing life and our entire being that culminates in sustainable expansion.  If we attempt to cheat the system, we may find ourselves on the hamster wheel of return and repeat. Certainly, a significant emotional experience can propel us forward and peel back the layers of our veil, and yet it is a commitment to self-development that unleashes our expanded consciousness into our reality.

Furthermore, if we want to presume the role of leadership, we also want to commit to expand beyond the thought dimensions of those we are leading.  Otherwise, we operate as the blind leading the blind; recycling and repeating.

I suppose we could say that the awareness of consciousness as infinite and timeless, takes us towards multi-dimensional insight.  And since we’re getting comfortable with virtual reality in the world of science and entertainment, could we ease these concepts into our business and consciousness awareness?  I wonder what you think.

Find Out More About Working With Me

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Coaching Facilitates Expansion Into New Dimensions
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