Farcical Life Part Two Workshop

What's The Farcical Life Part Two Workshop ALL about?

How To Know If You're Ready To Engage With Farcical Life Part Two Workshop

Starting To Work With Our Feelings

In Part One we got a bit more comfortable with allowing ourselves to feeling our feelings.  So what next?  Well, in Farcical Life Part Two we start by building on that feeling experience to release any overwhelm from the feeling flood!

In essence we work on building TRUST in the knowledge that you can work with whatever feelings arise, without them taking over your entire world!

Farcical Life Part Two feelings

Then We're Going To Work On Building A Supportive Internal Dialogue

Farcical Life Part Twp

Just consider for a moment, if you recorded your inner monologue or dialogue for a day, what would you hear?  Would it be a help or a hindrance?  Would it sound like your best friend or your worst critic? You may say that it would depend upon your mood. 

Whatever your response, the only person who is going to create the life you want is YOU.  So, it’s really important that you are your own motivation, the best nurturer and the biggest inspiration to yourself.  This is what we’re going to work on with language.

Feedback After Farcical Life Part One

We’re going to feedback from Part One and you’re going to identify in which areas you’ve achieved what you wanted and in which areas you haven’t.

I’m going to ask you some probing questions as to what is creating the block and we’re going to bring all those barriers out into the light so that we can see them for what they are.  Merely hidden beliefs, values or habits.

We’re also going to work on exercises to help you find a balance between your logic and your feelings. Remember, we want balance rather than exclusive use of one or the other.

Farcical Life Feedback
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Some Triggers You Might Not Have Noticed

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Next, we’ll be working on some exercises to identify which external triggers we react to.  They may come from social media, the news, or somewhere else.  We are bombarded every day!

Either way, we’re going to challenge our assumptions and get more understanding into what triggers unhelpful behaviour, and how we can disengage from those triggers or manage them more effectively.  It’s about finding a way that works for YOU.

It’s only when we DO out there in the real world that we encounter the blocks – they may have been hidden from your awareness. Once you know what they are, you can switch them from barrier to motivational tool.

And Finally - A Spot Of Fun!

I’m also going to share with you some interesting facts about numbers that you may not be aware of.  The purpose is to inspire you to work with all aspects of life so that you can find ways to inspire yourself and hone your purpose, your BEING and your DOING.

Flow with, rather than against.  It’s always about finding the easiest way to be yourself and get what you want done.

There is no society ‘how-to’ guide that can tell you more than your self-knowledge, your intuition and your experience.  TRUST yourself.

Here’s to further EMPOWERMENT and JOY!

I’m looking forward to working with you again!



Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Ready To Book?

The Farcical Life Part Two programme runs every month.  Click here to reach my Events Schedule to find out the next dates for this training.

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