Fire Walking Offers Empowerment Through Elemental Connection
Fire walking roots you into the present moment. It teaches you decisiveness and commitment. When you connect with the elements, whether it’s fire, water, wood, earth or air, it reminds you that everything has a life force of its own. A connection with fire opens up your emotional connection to passion, compulsion, zeal, creativity motivation, and so much more. You get a sense of real empowerment!
Fire Walking Has A Long History
Fire walking is an ancient practice, carried out for centuries by cultures all over the world, from Argentina to Australia.
The earliest recorded walk across hot coals was over 4,000 years ago in India. Since then, fire walking and fire dancing practices have been used for healing, coming of age, empowerment and religious ceremonies.
Formal Fire walking Classes were introduced in the 1970s, and in the last 40 years or so, more than 3m people have marched across hot coals without injury. I personally have walked several hundred people across hot coals.

An Expansive Experience
So, what’s it all about? The Fire Walking process teaches a very powerful lesson in decision-making. The determination required to take the first step onto hot coals is significant. As you stand there, you realise that anything less than clarity and commitment to cross those coals will result in very hot, very tangible pain. You put to one side your logic and all your limiting beliefs and you go for it. And you keep going until you get to the end. Wow wow wow – you did it!
Smashing Our Illusions
Completing a fire walk allows us to break through all our illusions and limiting beliefs that we have about what can be done and what can’t. We can reframe the concept of what’s a challenge and what’s not. What’s more, once we’ve broken through these barriers we can also see through all the stories we tell ourselves about our day to day experience.

This experience allows us to KNOW that we CAN:
get that job;
do that project;
do what we want to do;
hit that sales target;
create more income;
do anything we choose to commit ALL of ourselves to.
Next, we notice that we’ve convinced ourselves that all our stories serve only one purpose. They protect us from our fearful illusions of potential failure, rejection, abandonment, loss of face and any other perceived negative possibility.
We realise that protecting ourselves from the fearful illusions of potential failure, rejection, abandonment, loss of face and any other perceived negative possibilities.

Fire Walking In Business
Companies all over the world are using Fire Walking to break down the barriers of perceived limitations on the journey towards emotional intelligence, personal confidence, trust, teamwork, mind over matter and self-belief in the workplace.
Book Your Fire Walk
I provide Fire Walking Events both for in-house corporate training and individual experiences. Find out more about me before you book your Fire Walking event. To book your event or find out more at