We've Just Experienced Something Unique! How Can We Make The Most of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction?
Yesterday, we saw the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. It’s the closest it has been since 1623 and the closest observable since 1226! What a unique experience to have! The two largest planets in our solar system are as close as they have ever been and we’re in the Age of Aquarius.
Many are expecting this conjunction to trigger a mass elevation in human consciousness. Even more interesting, because we’re in Aquarius, there is room for expansion, growth, self-reliance, intuition. Even better, there’s room for everyone at the table.
Some people have linked large seismic events to planetary conjunctions. Even though we have seen an increase in volcanic and seismic activity over the last few years, this may have more to do with magnetic shifts within our planet than anything else. We will see! Let’s face it, we’re never short of a Doomsday prediction!
What Happened At Previous Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions?
Aside of seismic events, it’s interesting to note that Francis of Assisi (The Patron Saint of Animals) died in 1226. Moreover, for the last 800 years, our society has been heavily governed by control, money, power, religion and warfare, which always seem to go hand in hand. The human race has behaved brutally for hundreds of years. I wonder, is it time to break out?
The visible conjunction prior to that occurred in 7BC and was so close that the two planets were eclipsed. Some wonder whether the Three Wise Men or Magi were in fact calling this conjunction the Star of Bethlehem.
What’s Coming in 2021?
Whatever happens now, we’re going to see Jupiter and Saturn dancing with each other for all of 2021. Since Jupiter represents innovation, expansion and newness and Saturn quite the opposite, it seems it may well be a ‘one step forward, two steps back kind of a year’ where confusion still persists. Undoubtedly, there will be endings and new beginnings. We’re going to see the breaking down of many old structures before we see the building of the new.
A few things we’ve taken for granted spring to mind. Perhaps we’ll be reassessing air travel, supply chains, space travel, technology, stadiums and theatres. Will we be asking what’s really needed and what’s not.
Astrologers Are Not All Created Equal
If you’ve never had a professional astrology reading,it’s easy to imagine that it’s all mumbo-jumbo! However, if that’s your current belief, invest in a reading with an experienced astrologer and your mind will soon change! if you’re interested in getting your chart read and you know what date, time and place you were born, I would highly recommend it.
I discovered Steve Judd about 20 years ago. Known as ‘The Caustic Astrologer’ he’s very direct. Recommended to me by a friend, I sent him my name, time, date and location of birth some twenty years ago and wondered what would come back. To my shock and surprise, a tape cassette (ha!) arrived in the past a couple of weeks later detailing information about my childhood and life that made me wonder if he’s been spying on me. He hadn’t. He’s just that good! You can find Steve Judd’s You Tube Channel here.
Additionally, even though I have never had any personal interaction with her, I find Pam Gregory’s You Tube Channel a useful resource.
Lastly, if you want to know which planets feature in your birth chart, you can get a free birth chart online here.
What Does Saturn Represent?
Saturn is the most distant planet that can be seen with the naked eye. Actually, as far as we know right now, it is the boundary of the ‘natural’ solar system. This large, ringed planet symbolizes learning hard lessons from an earthly life and being ready to enter the realm of the mystery planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto).
Restriction And Limitation
The planet Saturn represents restriction and limitation. I’m told by professional astrologers that if you have Saturn in a good position in your birth chart you will be sparing, diligent, reliable, patient and tenacious. What’s more, you will have the ability to focus on the matter at hand. Additionally, this planet also relates to justice, being both conservative and practical, it impacts the physical world and relates to our ambition and career.
Conversely, if Saturn is not in a favourable position in our birthchart, we can be indifferent, selfish and stingy. Oh dear!

Breaking Down The Old Structures
In summary, Saturn represents the old. Actually, in 2020, it really represents the old way of doing things, or the 3D mindset. Moreover, it has a relationship with old age and as a result, Saturn has a slowing effect on the pace of life in general. Therefore, if we think about some of the structures in our society, for example, organised religion, governments, large NGOs, large private sector companies, and the financial markets, we can expect a slow or a change.
Specifically, Saturn represents everything that is rigid and traditional and symbolizes materialism, suffering, anguish, difficulty, disappointment and enmity. Also failure, greed, miserliness, oppression, hatred, poverty and chronic diseases belong to its domain. Okay, so that’s not too cheery! So, before we get a little more optimistic, it’s useful to know that this planet also relates to hermits, scholars, and the elderly, males in particular.
Oh How We Love Jupiter - The Planet of Thinkers!

Jupiter is the guardian of the abstract mind, and rules higher learning. So, if you’ve felt the calling to learn more, then it’s time to dig deep and get involved.
Actually, from an intellectual perspective, Jupiter assists us in formulating our ideology. Ruling over religion and philosophy, Jupiter encourages us to follow our intuition and seek out our own truth. This planet also encourages travelling far and wide to find our answers.
Ethics & Morals
Interestingly, Jupiter compels us to assess our ethical and moral values; it also addresses our sense of optimism. Now it’s time for the great news! Both luck and fortune are associated with this planet. This friendly giant wants us to flourish and prosper. So, if you’ve been working towards abundance, Jupiter’s in your corner.
Additionally, Jupiter is a big fan of leisure time, so you may be addressing work-life balance issues over the coming year. This kindly giant also LOVES animals. So, we may find ourselves collectively showing a greater level of respect for animals and, if you don’t already have one, a four-legged friend might arrive in your life next year.
What Is The Age of Aquarius?
When astrologers refer to the Age of Aquarius they are describing a phenomenon that refers to the earth’s movement backward (or in “retrograde” motion) into the sign of Aquarius. As you know, there are 11 other signs of the zodiac — the earth will retrograde in each one. It will take the earth 25,868 years to visit all 12 signs. We’ve just come out of Pisces.
When Did It Begin?
The total eclipse of the Sun that occurred in August 1999 launched us into the main time of the Age of Aquarius. So, what are the traits of Aquarius? Well, in general, it’s futuristic and technology features heavily.
Aquarius has a strong need for independence and individualism, and while members of this sign can be idiosyncratic, they are also unique, original and creative. Aquarius is visionary and innovative, with just the right amount of rebellion.
So, the message here is, if you’ve been an outcast or an outsider in the past, you’re about to be brought home! There’s room for everyone at the ‘buffet of life’ table.

Old Systems Will Crumble And Fall
Forget fitting in or conforming to society, it’s pretty clear we’re going to smash society as we know it and start again.
The main role of Aquarius is to challenge authority, tear down existing structures, and replace the outdated with something better. What’s more, since Saturn and Jupiter are dancing with one another in 2021, floating around out there in the age of Aquarius, we’re going to see lots of endings and new beginnings.
It’s going to be the year that our personal power grows. We’re going to be less and less interested in the old structures and what they have to say. More likely, we just won’t trust their voices anymore. In fact, we’re going to feel driven to work out who we are, what we believe with a view to then deciding how we want to behave.
Endings And Beginnings
In fact, there is the potential that we may even see a breakdown in organised religion, preferring instead to rely on our own connection with the divine, than going through a middle-man. What’s more, we may decide that the banking system, the governments and other structures such as Big Pharma, which have dominated us for years, are no longer worthy of the influence they have. We shall see.
Either way, the dance between these two planets in Aquarius will bring conflicting views and feelings of rushing forward and then moving back. However, the end of next year will hold a clarity that we haven’t felt for some time, and this can only be a wonderful thing!
How To Make The Most of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

From what I can gather, the message here for 2021 is “forewarned is forearmed, with a dash of optimism”. It seems we’re actually preparing for 2022.
Actually, if you’ve been working on yourself this year, if you found yourself travelling deep into your inner depths, you’ll be well placed to ignore much of the madness and confusion we can expect during the first quarter of 2021. Moreover, if you’ve worked to release some of your ego restrictions, life could be quite peachy! Additionally, if you’ve taken the time to understand the real meaning of the word ‘magician’ you’re going to enjoy sailing through the seas in the next 12 months.
Getting Back To Normal
If you’ve been wondering when we’re going to ‘get back to normal’ you might find yourself somewhat surprised as the next year unfolds. It’s time to let go of the conditioning we’ve experienced for hundreds of years and wake up to the reality of who we are, what we’re capable of and where we are.
We are human beings, given the gift of life, to LIVE IT, rather than enjoy the mirage of ego-trappings. Things are going to change, and it’s time to throw down the anchor to steady the storm.
Find Out Who You REALLY Are And Own That
Earlier in this article, I mentioned the word magician. It’s an archetype and it links to power of the mind. It’s all about using our mind to elevate our frequency and our consciousness. Moreover, alchemy is also a reference to mind. Specifically, it’s the ability to change our state at will.
You may know that ‘Mages’ are often said to be those who can speak or influence animals by changing their consciousness. The Three Wise Men in the Bible were Magi. Even more interesting, the churches desire to catch witches (Wise Ones) and burn them at the stake was probably a fear response to the idea that these people could access divine consciousness without the middle man. If anyone was going to pose a threat to organised religion it was a group of people who could cure health issues with plants in their garden and use their mind to impact change.
It’s Time To Let Go
2021 is time to get clear about precisely what you want. It’s about diving deep inside to find out who you really are and then take responsibility for that. Aquarius is 11th sign in zodiac and represents hopes, dreams and visions. Moreover, with the futuristic nature of Aquarius, we’ll probably have a greater generic ability to predict the future, the more we connect with our authentic selves.
It’s a time for working out who we are as individuals, and then using that knowledge to contribute to the greater whole. This time is about finding our tribes, people and connections. What’s more, it’s going to feel like a breath of fresh air, bringing solutions and possibilities we had never imagined.
We’re being asked to connect to our soul. It’s time to connect to all that you are and all that you can be. It’s about values, communication and how we connect with one another. Whoop! Whoop!
Are You Looking To Deeply Explore Your Inner Being & Tickle Your Curiosity?
I’ve spent the last 5 years living a very low-key life in a jungley area of Sri Lanka. I’m surrounded by flora and fauna (both wild and domesticated) and I’ve spent a great deal of time going within. In preparation for this momentous shift, I’ve re-created all of my Certified NLP Training and I’ve also created my Farcical Life Learning Journey for Women.
The purpose of all of my training is to support you in gaining a deep insight into yourself, learning who you really are, and finding your confidence to live an authentic life. What’s more, I share my own experiences about how we can use our mind to literally create our reality. It’s not about wishful thinking or living in a dreamland, it’s about staring at what is and choosing to change your perspective. It takes determination, focus and practice. It’s certainly not for the feint hearted, and it requires a breadth of understanding of science, philosophy, history and philosophy.
So, if you’d like to work with me during 2021 during this birthing of new potential, I’d love to meet you. You can find out more about engaging with me below.
Find Out More About Working With Me
To find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another, please send me an email to sarah@sarahmerron.com.
You can book NLP coaching online here.
Find out about NLP Training here.
If you’re interested in group training and coaching, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.
If you’re looking for free self-help tools please visit my YouTube Channel to find free resources for a positive mindset shift.
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