Good Food Supports Your ‘A’ Game
It’s a logical idea to imagine that a healthy body supports optimum performance. Following on from this idea, we can assume that regular exercise is a good way of keeping our body healthy and our brain active. This missing component here is food. How much impact does what you eat have on your health? This Business Insider Article suggests that healthy eating is more about how much than what.
This week there’s an opportunity for you to learn about healthy food from a variety of different speakers. This week of food education is brought to you by The Food Revolution Summit absolutely FREE between 29th April and 7th May. If you want to learn about GMOs, pesticides, hormones, and other toxins that may be running rampant through our food supply, this is a great forum to find out more.
REGISTER HERE – and you get 4 free gifts on registration.
When you’ve listened to all the shared knowledge you can decide what you think is healthy and what’s not in your food environment.
Furthermore, with a prevalence of antibiotics in our environment, it’s becoming increasingly important to manage and improve our immune system. Specifically, I categorise food in the medicinal area of prevention. Hence, the more we eat immune-boosting foods, the greater our ability to protect against disease.
Enjoy! I’m feeling hungry already 🙂
Find Out More About Supporting Your ‘A’ Game With Mindset
If you’d like to find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another, please send me an email to sarah@sarahmerron.com.
You can book coaching online here.
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