Last year, I was skimming though the Entrepreneur site and I came across a video of Gwyneth talking about the challenges she’d faced when learning how to turn her blog into “the go-to site” for advice on everything for women. I had no idea that she’d done this (clearly I’d been living under a rock!).
In 2008 Gwyneth sat down in her kitchen and started to write a blog that brought together everything she’d learned from all the teachers and mentors she’s had in her life. She talked frankly about her experiences with health issues, having children, post natal depression, exercise and eating healthily. Now as the CEO of GOOP she has grown this world message into something very empowering for women. Every Thursday she pings an email to my inbox and it’s full of little gems of information addressing everything from hard to cure chronic health issues to where to go on your next holiday. It’s so simple to navigate and is set up with the headers make, go, get, do, be, see.
Now before you rush to GOOP I want you to know that you’re going to be faced with a beautiful web page with a clean white background. Showcased against this minimal white page are some beautiful, beautiful things to buy. Seriously, it’s dreamy! And then you might glance at the price tag and think “whaaaaaaat”. I mean spending $500 USD on a skirt or $295 USD on an incense burner may seem a little out of your price range! Well, it’s certainly out of mine! BUT let’s face it, we all enjoy looking at beautiful things and splashing out occasionally for a real treat on something we love is not out of the question.
The real magic to be found in this site for those of us with our feet firmly planted on the ground is in the make, do, be and see categories. The articles in these sections are so informative and so relevant, that you’re bound to find something of interest to you. What’s more, the experts contributing to the site are highly qualified and highly experienced and they offer insights into so many health questions, fitness questions, food questions and more.
I encourage you to check out GOOP and sign up for the weekly newsletter. There will be days when it pops into your inbox and you think “Wow! That’s how I feel”. Educate yourself with knowledge – the more you know about your body, your hormones, your exercise regime and your mind – the more empowered choices you can make.
Here are three of my favourite articles: