Say No To The Fear Narrative

100 years from now, if someone gathered together all the media from the last two years and read it, would they be able to write a history book giving a balanced representation of the truth? I believe it’s unlikely. The media, whether mainstream, social or non-traditional, reflects only a snapshot of our multidimensional reality. What might be obvious is the tone of the narrative running through our veins. Isn’t it time to say “NO” to the fear narrative?

The 8th of August is considered one of the most powerful days of the year, for bringing our dreams in to reality.  A cosmic alignment between the Leo sun and the bright star Sirius is known as the Lion’s Gate Portal. This creation vibe is being amplified even more intensely this year, thanks to the new moon in Leo falling on the same day.  So, let’s dream of a world free from FEAR and filled with hope, JOY and optimism.  When I say dream, I mean allow yourself to consider possibilities beyond the realms of what you believe is logical. Travel to other dimensions in your mind and imagination and gift yourself an unlimited bandwidth.

If we want to evolve our thinking, we want to find a higher level solution and ignore the specifics altogether.  We’ve got to think and feel upwards, and trust that the next level solution invalidates lower level challenges.  Even if you’re unsure it’s possible, allow yourself to imagine.  Know you are the creation story.  Toss away the rule book and PAINT.

We Love A Good Story

“What is history but a fable agreed upon?” A rhetorical question posed by Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle. (I bet he had a very long credit card). The underlying assumption being that stories of war tend to be written by the victorious; to glorify themselves and disparage the fallen. Whether or not this is true, what is interesting is the use of the narrative to create symbolism in the minds of the masses.

If you have done independent research into the information presented to us via traditional media over the last two years, it is not unreasonable to feel confused. There is absolutely no way to know what is true or untrue, researched or unresearched, sponsored or unsponsored. And you know what, from a certain point of view, it does not matter. If we can catapult our minds beyond the nonsensical specifics (the what, who, why, where and when of it all), we can find clarity and see something is happening. Even more crucial, we can see that it has been increasing in intensity for the last 20 years. A final swish of the tail of over a century of fear-mongering. Oh! How we have lapped it up!

Seemingly, the more sensational a story is, the more we gobble it up like ravenous children. We continuously programme ourselves for the war of wars, between good and evil.


Fear Programming Is Accepted & Perpetuated By Us. We NEED it.

Have you noticed how films encourage us deeper into the good vs evil myth? Somewhere, there’s always an alien trying to kill, maim or obliterate humanity. The devil is always lying in wait for an opportunity to lure us from the straight and narrow. There are a plethora of secret organisations ready to do ANYTHING to ensure the plan is maintained. And, of course, the threat of nuclear war or plague is always just around the corner. Our worst fears and darkest nightmares acted out in the media. Presented to us for daily consumption or via the medium of the big box office premiere.

The irony is that we LOVE it. Innocently, we rush in without any consideration for the impact on our ever-programmable psyche. Not one of us is immune to the message. How is this possible? Quite simply, we NEED it. Until we appreciate HOW it impacts our thinking, we need it to fuel the shadow of our psyche and give us the illusion of being WHOLE people.

There’s no need to even mention the constant, fear-fueling, references to migrants (who are just other people), terrorist attacks and impending war in the news.  Let’s stick with the magical world of Hollywood for this brisk walk into the shadow of our archetypal existence.


The Force Is Strong With You!

According to this website, in 2011, the highest-grossing movie was Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part Two. A story depicting the magical child archetype, overcoming evil to awaken the hero within. Since then, aside from a win by “Finding Dory” in 2016, the top slot has been dominated by either Star Wars or those magical Marvel movies (AKA superheroes on steroids). In reality, Finding Dory also depicts the hero archetype, of which we are so fond.

Who cares? Well, as popular as the Hero archetype is in our culture, it does not quite represent what we think it does when presented to the unconscious mind.

Whether our heroes are saving the world, a princess or slaying the serpent, we imagine that the male hero is a sign of masculinity.  Essentially, being a “real man”.  However, the hero archetype represents a young person, still in child-mind.  Since many heroes present with child-like personalities, this archetype is yet to reach maturity.  Therefore, when society praises the hero archetype, it prevents us from reaching maturity, always in need of something greater than us.  This may not be the idea scenario for any society!

Unconscious Programming

The heroine archetype, now also holds a proud place on the big screen. The princess has evolved into the princess warrior. Or has she? No, she hasn’t. It is merely the feminine version of the hero archetype. Like the male version, she too must live as an outcast of society. The heroine is also frequently depicted as innocent or having a child mind (Wonder Woman 2017).

Aside from these archetypal representations, our obsession with hero movies further implants ideas that there is always an external enemy to overcome, we need to have special powers to do that and, if we are the hero, the masses have a love-hate relationship with us.  Then we imagine that these movies offer a window into the future, a taste of what’s to come.

I am also interested in two films that didn’t perform as well as expected in the box office.  Does this reflect our inability to accept a story that is less extreme or sensational, or something else?

The first is “The Arrival” 2016 depicting a visit by friendly and helpful aliens operating in a higher frequency than humanity.  The second is “King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword” 2017 sharing the story of Arthur (a magical child at the start) becoming the hero and actually reaching maturity at the end of the film.  It may have been the fast-paced British slang in the script which prevented this becoming popular, it may have been response to a myriad of other things.

Whatever the reason, I ask whether happy, peaceful and perfectly okay is a reasonable goal to hold in our mind?  Can we choose to let go of the drama and balance to find joy in the ordinary?

The Shadow

Our archetypes, or mini-personalities, operate in the same way as we do, through the filters of our emotional state, values and belief systems. They are neither positive nor negative, just a part of who we are.

The shadow aspect of the Hero archetype represents hidden motives and patterns of behaviour that often lie beyond our conscious awareness. These may manifest as either cowards or bullies. As strange as it may seem, they are partners in crime.

The Coward has difficulty standing up in any confrontation. Under pressure, the person possessed by the coward caves in, allowing others to overpower them.

The Bully likes to impress people, imagining their superiority and right to dominate others, demanding to be the centre of attention. The layers beneath this behaviour hold cowardice and profound insecurity (AKA extreme fear).

The purpose of archetypes is to teach us our true nature, for the purpose of self-acceptance. If you want to appreciate the hero archetype in full glory I suggest reading the work of Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung.

Now seems like a good time to mention that Hollywood is not waging war on us.  We are using Hollywood as a vehicle to express our FEAR.

This Is An Internal War, It's Not External

How does the hero mature? Quite simply by overcoming their denial of death (or ego) to realise they are merely mortal. This path seems much easier than it is to complete.

A fundamental victory in battle occurs when we understand that we create the external from the inside out. The possibility of real empowerment arrives when we discover there is no external enemy. Could the foe we imagine we are fighting is in OUR mind?

As Jung said, “The hero’s main feat is to overcome the monster of darkness: it is the long-hoped-for and expected triumph of consciousness over the unconscious.”

Perhaps if we notice we can purposefully disconnect from ideas that create fear or disharmony within us, we begin to say no to the fear narrative. When we choose to realise that whatever happens, we are safe, loved and meant to be where we are, there is nothing to fear.  Without fear, we cannot be coerced or manipulated, swayed or controlled. When there is nothing to fear, those who have different opinions are also safe and acceptable.

And if you were to know all of this now, could you choose to know that you have the right to believe whatever you want to believe? Could you accept that everyone has the same right, even if their belief is different to yours? Can you allow yourself to know that we are all parts of a much greater whole and if we cast out separation in favour of connection we stand in our power?

say not to the fear narrative

Say No To The Fear Narrative

Would you consider a little experiment?

For just 7 days, disconnect from any media or external influence that triggers fear inside you.  Know that all is well.  Know that you are safe.  Know that the NOW is full of wonderful things and feel gratitude for them.  Trust, that if you fuel your mind with optimism, joy and wonder at all the amazing gifts in your life now, the future will deliver even more of that.

If you choose to engage in this little experiment, I guarantee you’ll learn something money can’t buy.

Wishing you a wonderful and creative week!

Find Out More About Working With Me

The more coaches we have in the world transmuting FEAR into GLOW, the better the world will be for everyone. Interested to discover more about becoming a coach? 
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