Status Impacts Our Ability To Receive

Blinded By Status

Like it or not, status is prevalent in every society, in every country across the globe. In reality, status is a powerful method of control and separation. What you may not have considered is that an over-attachment to status impacts our ability to receive.

We inject ourselves at an early age with the idea of status. Unsurprisingly, it’s a tribal concept. You are either “in the gang”, or you are not. The need to perceive separation starts the moment we are born into this physical world. We birth into polarity.

Status is measured easily in the tangible world. We imagine that status exists in wealth, education and proven accomplishment (certificates). Moreover, we even rank the level of countries. It’s amusing when you think about it. Everyone in “developed countries” rushing to visit the simplicity found in “undeveloped countries” and everyone in “undeveloped countries” rushing to reach the perceived opportunity in “developed countries”. Ha!

High Or Low Doesn't Make A Difference

Interestingly, it doesn’t matter which side of the line we perceive ourselves to be. We all brand ourselves with the clothes and trinkets designed to ensure people know where we belong as we herd into our tribal rituals and daily habits to match our status.

It’s a means of controlling (or keeping our SELF) separate from ideas that may cause us to question our belief system, which may not feel safe. What’s more, it keeps us entirely separate from the possibility that we are all ONE in consciousness. This idea, viewed through the lens of polarity, questions our ability to be different or unique on any level. Specifically, this threatens our identity.

The Conditional Nature Of Status

Status is, of course, merely a belief. Albeit one buried deep within our psyche. Knowing this, we can also appreciate that an idea is one-dimensional and can never truly express all of who we are. With that in mind, we may choose to break through our human limitation of polarity into the multi-dimensional nature of the soul.

The simple fact is, to belong to a tribe, we must meet specific criteria. However, that membership or belonging is conditional. If at any point we no longer meet the specified criteria, our membership revokes.

As safe as we may feel once we’re firmly ensconced in a particular tribe, we may not notice that the mere application of the idea of status as a tool for separation leaves every one of us vulnerable.

If we align with a “high-status or greater-than” group, there is always the possibility of loss. Conversely, if we align with a “low-status or lesser-than” group, we may never bring our unique gifts and talents to the forefront, imagining we are unworthy or incapable.

Whereas, if we can find the middle ground, we benefit from expansion in thought, reality and action. Previously unseen opportunities appear before us.

An Uncomfortable Awakening

Whilst developing my Alchemical W.O.W Guided Learning Journey I thought about the concept of status frequently.  In the video below I share with you an idea.  What if our need to separate using status actually limits our ability to receive.   “To receive what?”  you may ask. In my mind, impacts our ability to receive anything, from love to abundance and everything in between.

Before you watch this, I want you to consider that the act or giving is entirely similar to the act of receiving.  The only difference is the direction in which something travels.  What follows, is the realisation that if we are conditional with our giving, we are also conditional in what we permit ourselves to receive. If we can step beyond ego, we have the potential to give and receive freely and abundantly with a deep sense of gratitude, no matter the direction!

What do you think?

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status impacts ability to receive
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