Dopamine, Aggression, and Addiction

Dopamine, Aggression, and Addiction: What’s the Connection? Have you ever wondered why some people seem more aggressive than others? Or why addiction can make people more impulsive and short-tempered? The answer often lies in a brain chemical called dopamine.   Dopamine is best known as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter—it plays a huge role in motivation, pleasure, … Read more

Bael Fruit: The Secret Superfood

Bael Fruit Secret Superfood

The Secret Superfood: How Bael Fruit Boosts Health & Fights Disease Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos), a tropical fruit native to India and Southeast Asia, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. While it is well known for its digestive benefits, emerging scientific research highlights its anticancer properties, immune-boosting effects, and potential for managing chronic … Read more

Embracing Boundaries

Embracing Boundaries

Embracing Boundaries: The Power of Filling Your Own Space In our mind-wandering, embracing boundaries (or asserting them) often takes centre stage as an essential tool for self-care and well-being. Frequently, we’re encouraged to assert our boundaries firmly, almost defensively, to protect ourselves from perceived threats or intrusions. But what if there’s another way? What if, … Read more

Solar Flares 2024: Easy Navigation Tips

Navigating the Sun’s Dance with a Powerful Mindset 2024 promises to be a celestial spectacle, with the Sun blazing towards its peak activity in solar cycle 25. This translates to an increased chance of solar flares – bursts of high-energy radiation that can dance across the cosmic stage, potentially impacting our planet.  It’s natural to … Read more

Magnesium Threonate: Rediscover Peak Performance

Magnesium Threonate May Spark Your Brainpower and Supercharge Your Growth Do you ever feel like your mind is stuck in molasses? Foggy thinking, scattered focus, and sluggish motivation – these are all too familiar roadblocks on the path to self-mastery. But what if there was a hidden key, a tiny brain-boosting wonder, waiting to unlock … Read more

Decision Fatigue

decision fatigue

Decision Fatigue: When Choosing Makes You Choke (in a good way) – Watch or Read! Ever stare blankly at a menu, paralysed by the power of Parmesan? We’ve all been there. In our hyper-choice world, even picking lunch feels like scaling Mount Decision-Everest. But before you blame your indecisiveness for this decision fatigue, blame biology!  … Read more

The Glutamate-Stress-Anxiety Connection 

Glutamate-Stress-Anxiety Connection

Unravelling the Mystery and Navigating Environmental Factors In the busy metropolis of the human brain, a neurotransmitter named glutamate reigns supreme. This universal molecule, often called the brain’s fuel, plays a pivotal role in learning, memory, and, most notably, our emotional well-being. However, when glutamate levels go awry, it can lead to a cascade of … Read more

Oxytocin: The Kindness Hormone

Oxytocin The Kindness Hormone

Oxytocin: The Kindness Hormone and Its Role in Stress Reduction Did you know that FEELINGS of kindness trigger the release of Oxytocin and can reduce stress levels? In the context of human emotions and social bonding, oxytocin has emerged as a fundamental player, often referred to as the “kindness hormone” due to its profound influence … Read more

The Stretch To Self-Responsibility

The Stretch to Self-Responsibility

In most societies, when we reach a certain age we can get married, drive a car, drink alcohol and vote.  We’re considered an adult.  However, adulting takes a great deal more work.  It’s not until the moment we begin to behave in a way that demonstrates we’re ready to take responsibility for our own happiness, … Read more

Instant Gratification: A Weapon Of Self-Destruction

Instant Gratification

Instant gratification may offer short-term benefits however, if we give into our desires to feel the ‘hit’ of getting what we want fast, it can also lead to a lack of patience, diminished resilience, and an inability to sustain efforts toward long-term goals. Instant gratification is a weapon of self-destruction. It kills your motivation, relationships … Read more

The Power of Self-Leadership

The Power of Self-Leadership

Embracing the power of self-leadership is developing the ability to take control of your own life and make decisions that lead to more happiness and success. However, many people resist self-leadership, often due to fear or a lack of confidence. In this post, we’ll explore what self-leadership is, why we resist it, and how to … Read more

Level Up Your Liver Health

Level Up Your Live Health

Do You Struggle With Brain fog, Memory loss Or A Short Attention Span Brain fog, memory loss, and a short attention span are common symptoms triggered by various factors, including stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition. However, you may not be aware that the health of your liver can also play a significant role … Read more

The Impact of Mental Rehearsal

impact of mental rehearsal

The positive impact of mental rehearsal on performance is well-documented. Mental rehearsal is a technique used in many fields of psychology and coaching. It is based on the idea that if we imagine ourselves performing a task well, we will perform better when actually doing it. This is because our brains are hardwired to respond … Read more

Decisions In Taut or Slack Mode

Are you making your decisions in TAUT or SLACK Mode? The moment we seek to be a certain way, think a certain way, do a specific thing, or feel misaligned or uncomfortable with who we are or the way we are now, we create sensations of TAUTNESS in our bodies. Are you making your decisions … Read more

Disease Starts From Your Emotion

Disease Starts From Your Emotion

In Japan, every school child is taught the phrase 病気は気から, pronounced byoukiwakikara which translates to ‘Every disease starts from your emotion’, or more simply, ‘Disease is of the mind.” This idea comes as no surprise. When I learned to teach the Japanese art of energy healing (Reiki) 20 years ago, I discovered the Japanese kanji for Reiki … Read more

Virus Mania: A Life-Changing Read

I’ve just read “Virus Mania”, a ground-breaking book by investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Claus Köhnlein, MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, and Dr. Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD. I can safely say Virus Mania is a life-changing read (or listen) and has given me a profound sense of optimism, possibility and ownership regarding my health and … Read more

Remix Your Stories

Remix Your Stories

It’s Time To Remix Your Stories To Serve YOU! Most of us get into the habit of telling stories in a specific way. We might take a positive perspective, express them using neutral emotions, or perhaps, imbue them with negative undertones. Either way, our stories become self-fulfilling. Whatever we say becomes the story we live … Read more

Power Of The Placebo

the power of placebo

Could Optimum Health & Healing Be Simpler Than We Think? A couple of days ago, I stumbled upon this interesting article [1]. It questions whether the philosophy of modern medicine prioritises profit over human health. Now is an excellent time to ask whether we can develop a happy and healthy global population by applying simpler … Read more

Choice Exists When Avoidance Does Not

Choice Exists When Avoidance Doesn’t

Hang On To Your Hats I have a sneaking suspicion that the next three months will be, quite literally, mind-blowing for human awareness. We are in transition and expanding rapidly, so hang on to your hats! Now (and daily over the next few months) is the time to make a purposeful choice about the reality … Read more

Where We See Separation Monopoly Exists

It’s pretty clear to every human being on the planet that something’s not quite well with our lovely little world. The last two years have taken their emotional toll on all of us.  When we feel as if we’ve been through a tumble drier, the idea of trying to work things out or think for … Read more

Unmesmerize Your Self

UnMesmerize Your Self

Mass Mesmerizm In Action In November 1920, the “one to many” communication era began with the advent of the radio, ‘the wireless’ as my grandmother used to call it. You may imagine that it happened long before the twentieth century, following the invention of the printing press. You’d be correct. What I’m referring to is … Read more

Say No To The Fear Narrative

say no to fear narrative

100 years from now, if someone gathered together all the media from the last two years and read it, would they be able to write a history book giving a balanced representation of the truth? I believe it’s unlikely. The media, whether mainstream, social or non-traditional, reflects only a snapshot of our multidimensional reality. What … Read more

Transform Your Anger With Purpose

transform your anger with purpose

Every single one of us experiences feelings of anger and from a very young age. We may allow our conscious mind to perceive that the ‘terrible twos’ temper tantrums are the first manifestation of rage in our lives. However, it’s likely our first feelings of anger occur when we are babies. When we appreciate what … Read more

5 Ways To Let Go Of Victim Mindset

Everyone Experiences The Feeling of Being A Victim At Some Point Anyone who embraces life with an open heart will sometimes feel like a victim. We all go through different aspects of being a victim in our life. It begins in childhood when we feel vulnerable and dependent upon others. Later, it follows us into … Read more

Clean Language Tools Get Better Results

Clean Language Tools Get Better Results And Better Communication Whether you’re a coach, manager or leader, clean language tools get better results when you’re communicating your ideas. These simple techniques will increase your engagement and impact on those around you. When we learn to listen so attentively that our awareness of the words, vocal tone … Read more

Journaling Benefits From Clear Intentions

Engage Your Inspiration

If You’re Going To Journal – You Need To Set Clear Intentions To Get The Benefit Do you journal?  I do, and yet not in the way you might expect.  It’s fair to say that journaling is a super-hot topic right now.  Nearly every personal growth and self-help website tells us to keep a journal … Read more

Animal Spirit Guides Black Jaguar Balance

Animal Spirit Guides Black Jaguar

How To Build Your Confidence And Find More Balance Through The Black Jaguar When we work with the Black Jaguar as a guide, this energy rapidly expedites our personal and spiritual growth.  This powerful feline energy expands our consciousness in such a way that we can face our fears and overcome them from a place … Read more

Animal Spirit Guides Birds of Prey

Animal Spirit Guides Birds of Prey

Animal Spirit Guides Birds of Prey Represent Vision And Freedom All birds of prey have incredibly sharp eyesight to help them locate and catch their prey. What’s more, they fly high and free, taking a broad perspective and seeing the ‘big picture’.  Therefore, the core message when we work with animal spirit guides birds of … Read more

How To Get Happy And Shine Your Light

Find Peace And Shine Your Light

Wondering How To Get Happy And Shine Your Lighter Personality On The World? Think Brain Chemistry! When your Crown Chakra is in balance, your Pineal Gland is working as it should and you have the capacity to transmit and receive information from higher frequencies. What’s more, you’re connected to your intuition and you feel totally … Read more

How To Make The Most of 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction

2020 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

We’ve Just Experienced Something Unique! How Can We Make The Most of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction? Yesterday, we saw the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. It’s the closest it has been since 1623 and the closest observable since 1226! What a unique experience to have! The two largest planets in our solar system are as close as they … Read more

How To Trust Your Gut And Connect To Intuition

How To Turst tour Gut

Trusting Your Gut Involves A Fully Functional Pituitary Gland, Emotional Intelligence & A Broad Perspective Intuition is that ‘inner knowing’ or a feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that something you are doing is either appropriate for you or inappropriate for you.  Specifically, it’s our ability to understand something instinctively, without the need … Read more

It’s Time To Take Ownership Of Your Body

ownership of your body

We Continue To Separate From Our Body – Is It Time To Reconnect? Human health is in a challenging place.  According to the WHO, Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally.[1] Moreover, in 2020 we’re  experiencing a global pandemic and stress-related illnesses is prevalent. [2]  In … Read more

Heart Chakra Balance Equals Better Relationships

Heart Chakra Balance Equals Better Relationships

Business & Personal Relationships Pay The Price of An Imbalanced Root Chakra When our heart chakra is balanced we are compassionate, nurturing, unconditionally loving and we look for a deep connection with others. Moreover, we trust the decisions we make and we have mutual respect for ourselves and others.  Essentially, this perspective builds the foundation … Read more

Ground Your Way To Good Health By Taking Your Shoes Off

Ground your way to good health

Grounding Or Earthing Is Your Way To Good Health – It’s Time To Take Your Shoes Off Back in the 1990s a man called Clinton Ober became interested in the idea that the rise in popularity of synthetic footwear was blocking our connection to healing energies from the Earth. The real question is, can you … Read more

Can We Create An Equal Relationship With Nature?

Can We Create An Equal Relationship With Nature

If We Strive To Create An Equal Relationship With Nature Will She Help Us Find Balance Everywhere? What would happen if, instead of imagining that we are superior to the natural world, we can create an equal relationship with nature?  Could we create an equal relationship with nature in order to bring balance to the … Read more

How Mastering Acceptance Builds A Strong Foundation

mastering acceptance

Mastering Acceptance Takes Patience & Practice Acceptance seems to be out of fashion in the media these days.  This is unfortunate because finding your way to mastering acceptance is the beginning of a rather wonderful journey.  In fact, mastering acceptance revolutionises our connection with the world and transforms our creativity; giving us the ability to … Read more

Nine Reasons Why Crying Is Good For Your Health

You Were Born With Tear Ducts For A Reason Everyone cries, it’s not a gender-specific activity. Moreover, I’m going to give you nine reasons why crying is good for your health and how it can benefit you in a multitude of ways. It’s an important part of processing emotions and healing from traumatic experiences. Whether … Read more

Connection To Our Values Can Make And Break Our World

Connection To Our Values

Connection To Our Values At Work And At Play Is The Seat Of Motivation I had an interesting reminder about the importance and the impact of values in the workplace earlier this week. Namely, I was talking with a client about the challenge he was experiencing in his work environment.  Connection to our values can … Read more

5 Tips To Align With Your Truth

5 Tips To Align With Your Truth

Everyone Feels Lost Sometimes. Is There An Elephant Sitting On Your Truth? Sometimes, you may feel like you’re lost and don’t know who you are or what you want anymore. It’s almost like you have an elephant sitting on our emotions! If that’s how you’re feeling, keep reading these 5 tips to align with your … Read more

Balance The Masculine And Feminine – Sacral Chakra

As The Root Becomes Binary The Sacral Chakra relates to our balance of the masculine and feminine energies inside our energy field.  The features of masculine and feminine energy have nothing to do with our physical appearance or manifestation.  These energies present in our emotions, beliefs, values and behaviour. As the root chakra splits in … Read more

How To Communicate Better: Balance Your Throat Chakra

How To Communicate Better

How Our Communication Improves When Our Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Is Balanced Mastering balance in the throat chakra helps us to release unneccesary thinking or over-analysis in our conscious minds.  When we truly know how we feel and what we believe, that truth shows us how to communicate better with ourselves and others. Experience In Childhood … Read more

The Quiz Show Mentality Around ‘Need To Know’


Needing to Know Is Prevalent In Culture Everywhere Before our obsession with reality TV and contrived celebrity, our Saturday night television viewing used to involve at least one quiz show or game show.  These shows present questions to the contestants. If the answer the contestant gives matches the answer on the card in the hand … Read more

Noise Pollution And Howling Dogs


How Do Loud Sounds Impact Our Furry Friends and Other Animal Life? It’s significant, and I’m sure you’re not surprised.  Man-made noise pollution and howling dogs go hand in hand.  In fact, loud sounds have made the world a very uncomfortable place to live for animals.  Loss of hearing and a rapid increase in their … Read more

Mindfulness To Mindlessness Needs Stretch!

Mindlessness needs a stretch

For the last couple of weeks my mind has been preoccupied by thoughts with  ‘mindfulness’ and ‘flow’, in relationship to happiness.The idea of mindfulness is everywhere in the world today.  However, I question whether moving from mindfulness to mindlessness needs a stretch. Needless to say, since we tend to get what we focus on, I … Read more

Why It’s Good To Know About Triglycerides

good to know about triglycerides

What Are Triglycerides? Many of us are regularly assess our cholesterol levels.  In fact, you might have been told that you have high cholesterol.  If so, you’ll probably know what to do to reduce your cholesterol level.  However, you might not appreciate why it’s good to know about triglycerides. Actually, if you’ve had a fasting … Read more

How To Support Your ‘A’ Game With Food

How To Support Your 'A' Game With Food

If you want to bring your ‘A’ Game then you want to have well-functioning tools.  Those tools could be your body, your mind, your resources, your connections and more. Good Food Supports Your ‘A’ Game It’s a logical idea to imagine that a healthy body supports optimum performance.  Following on from this idea, we can … Read more

Mindfulness is a Powerful Approach To The Modern World

Mindfulness is a Powerful Approach

‘Mindfulness’ is one of those terms that we recognise as something to do with inner peace. We know it’s probably a good idea, and yet the actual ‘doing of Mindfulness’ often gets lost in the modern-day rat race of 50 phone calls and 150 emails in your inbox. However, if we embrace it, mindfulness is … Read more

Working To Eliminate Insomnia Using NLP

Working To Eliminate Insomnia

Long-term insomnia negatively impacts your physical, emotional and psychological well-being.  In fact, I am often working to eliminate insomnia, using the specific application of NLP techniques delivered in practical steps. Lack of sleep can create unhappiness, worry and depletes energy and concentration.  Similar to depression, insomnia is a behavioural pattern and it can be changed … Read more

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