Your Feelings Are Your Power

Your Feelings Are Your PowerAs a child, I was a huge fan of the original Star Wars trilogy.  OK so I had a crush on Harrison Ford, and yet the concept of the movie is incredibly powerful. In fact, it teaches that your feelings are your power.

Films Follow The Human Psyche

It always amazes me how much the film relates to the ideas involved in NLP, hypnosis and spirituality.  The existence of Jedi Knights, with their mind control powers, ability to move things with their minds and speak telepathically with other people with the same mindset.

Poignant Quotes From The Script

A couple of quotes always remain in my head and seem even more poignant now that I know more about the unconscious mind than I did then. Obi-Wan “Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” Yoda “Don’t give in to hate, it leads only to the Dark Side.” “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Train yourself to let go… of everything you fear to lose.” And my particular favourite “Your feelings connect you to the force.  Search your feelings and you will know.” Powerful stuff isn’t it!

We Want To Associate In To Our Feelings

your feelings are your powerWhat I find so interesting is that when some people begin to work with the tools of NLP, they use them as a vehicle to dissociate from our holistic selves, becoming more focused on the mind.  When we focus too much in our mind we disconnect from the most powerful tool we have, from our inner compass, our feelings.  We almost take ourselves out of our bodies. Some who come to NLP wish to control their feelings of fear or anxiety or rage or anger.  And yet, let’s consider that through such an attempt we disconnect ourselves from who we really are.

When We Repress We Miss The Opportunity

When we aim to control or suppress or repress we feel, for want of a better word, discombobulated.  We trap our negative feelings inside ourselves with our “logic override system” and this negative energy then continues to reside inside our bodies.  Your feelings are your power – you want to engage in the FEELING of them. “Connectedness” to whatever we trust or believe delivers us a feeling of belonging.  It’s impossible to find that sense of belonging without connecting and exploring our feelings.  In fact, by feeling our feelings, we’re healing our feelings.  Your feelings are your power to use to find balance and emotional healing.

We Overcome Unhelpful Feelings

One thing to remind ourselves is that we don’t delete negative emotions such as fear or anxiety ….we flood them with feelings of courage and calmness.  If we face our feelings they always reduce in size and even more importantly, we free them from our bodies and holistic selves.  We create a sense of flow. The world as it is today creates more and more “logical override” and existence in our conscious mind or auditory digital.  We’re bombarded with information overload from emails, phone calls, imagery, television and media, and we even seem to talk to our loved ones more through electronic means than actual connection.  If you work for yourself it can be challenging to ever switch off.  If you work for someone else you can often feel constant pressure.  And then everyone is supposed to manage everything from an “objective” perspective.  Does this serve to connect or disconnect us from our emotions do you think? The question I ask is “how much more disconnected can we get before some kind of rebalancing occurs?”

The NLP Training Toolset

The NLP Toolset has many powerful applications.  I encourage everyone who has the desire to learn these powerful verbal and non-verbal communication tools to remember that when they are exposed to these powerful techniques, you are all that you were before and all that you are now.  So, you can access your success potential by using all of your skills, feelings, thoughts, creativity, verbal and non-verbal communication to connect to your real, holistic self and use all that you are and know to be all that you are. One thing I can guarantee you.  If you choose to attend any of my training courses I encourage you to access ALL of your feelings, every step of the way.  Your feelings offer you a unique key to unlock your experience of total trust, faith and connectedness.  I hope you choose to turn the key.

Would You Like Some Support In Using Your Feelings As Your Power?

Accepting your feelings is the first step to appreciating your feelings are your power.  Watch this video for 5 minutes every morning to support you in building acceptance of your emotions.

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To find out more about coaching with me, or if you’d like to arrange a call to see if we’re a good fit for one another, please send me an email to

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Find out about NLP Training here.

If you’re interested in group training and coaching, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.

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