Are We Entering The First Platinum Age?
We do love to categorise eras using metals, don’t we? I cannot help but wonder if we are entering the first platinum age in the history of humanity. This idea amuses me since it could represent the first-ever balancing between our masculine and feminine energy (represented by gold and silver, respectively). Perhaps the first time our consciousness has evolved in such a way that we are beginning to access our creative feminine energy and bring it into a tangible or dense energy state with our masculine energy.
The History of Metallic Ages
Everyone is familiar with the idea of a golden age, considered to be periods in human history of great happiness, abundance, and achievement. Sometimes described as eras when humans made great leaps and bounds forward in culture, technology, art, science, or thought. Effectively, creating new physical concepts and things. A demonstration of masculine energy in motion.
The term Golden Age comes from the works of a Greek poet living around 700 BC called Hesiod. He used metallic references to describe the decline, or perhaps devolution, of the human race.
Hesiod's Five Ages
He suggested that the Golden Age was a time when humans were pure. He describes the Silver Age as a time of prosperity operating at a lesser level than the golden age. Hesiod defined the latter three ages as the Bronze Age, The Heroic Age (where he described people who were not Gods and yet who had superhuman powers), and the Iron Age. He does not mention the Stone Age, so we can assume he refers to modern humans when discussing his five ages.
The Bronze Age marked the first time humans started to work with metal and this developed into the Iron Age when humans began making tools and weapons from iron and steel. There is a perception that the Iron Age coincided with a cultural decline in some societies.

What About The Renaissance?
The Renaissance in Europe can be certainly be considered a Golden Age. It saw a revival of Classical ideas, its emphasis on rationalism, the diminished power of the Church, and a shift towards the power of the individual. Effectively, old structures break down to make way for rebirth in politics, art, science, and literature. Mmmm, the breaking down of structures, the stepping away from organised religion, and a lack of trust in political organisation. Does any of that seem familiar to you?
We have seen these Golden Ages have varied geographical locations across the world and took place at different times. They include Ancient Greece, the Gupta Empire in India, the Mayans in Mesoamerica, the Tang Dynasty in China, the Italian Renaissance, the Edo period in Japan, and more. They all had one thing in common. They improved our collective ability to understand the world around us and bring ideas into tangible creations.
What Could Elevate Us Beyond A Golden Age?
One of our tools places us in a different mind space to any we have lived in before. That tool is technology. Our journey towards technological development has forced us to study, research and understand physics at the quantum level. This process has, perhaps inadvertently, expanded our potential understanding of consciousness.
To build supercomputers and mind-computer linking technologies like those designed by Elon Musk’s Neuralink, we must understand frequency, plasma, and the purest elements of creation at the fundamental level. It is a giant leap towards a greater insight into consciousness.
Frequency Awareness Is Nothing New
Concepts such as telepathy or telekinesis are not new. However, they have resided in the realms of fantasy and skepticism for a long time. What fascinates me is our ability to accept the use of frequency in technology, while in the main we reject the idea that we have this capacity to direct physical objects or send messages only in mind.
Perhaps we believe that technology is just too complex for us to understand. Or maybe mind reading and telekinesis has long been categorised in the pseudo-scientific or spiritual fields, and seem just too abstract for us to appreciate if we’re living “in the real world” (hahaha).

Do We Need The Technology?
If we were to appreciate that a brain implant that translates our thoughts into words on a screen and then sends them to someone else on our phone is reading the FREQUENCY of our thoughts, can we do it already? Do we have the innate capacity to work with frequencies with or without technology?
Since this technology became public in 2017, we can assume that it’s been in development for decades. And of course, it has. The entire 20th century was dedicated to developing a greater knowledge of the quantum world, which intrinsically links with human consciousness. The explosion of research in the fields of neuroscience and quantum biology has evolved our knowledge significantly.
Individual Consciousness Development
Additionally, any work we do as individuals to understand the workings of our psyche (I happen to work with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis) is developing a visual map of our consciousness. Through self-reflection, we can begin to understand how our neural networks have connected emotions with events, ideas with emotions, and more. We are creating maps and beginning to disentangle unhelpful pathways in our neurology. Humans are mapping consciousness at different frequencies or brain wave patterns: alpha, beta, gamma, theta, and delta are those we currently label.
To create this technology, our consciousness and knowledge MUST be operating at least two levels beyond that of the technology. So, have we been purposefully trained to disbelieve in our own power? Are we going to be charged a ton of cash for technology that already exists in our consciousness?
AI Could Offer The Training Wheels We Need
As advanced as we may be with artificial intelligence (AI), and as prevalent in our day-to-day society as it is, it’s a long way from operating at the same level as human consciousness.
The technology of AI has no capacity for self-reflection. It is designed and structured within the parameters of its programming. Programmed to learn within a specific framework. Although it can identify the success or failure of the outcome and adjust accordingly, it is yet to have the capacity for self-reflection and redirection towards a new path as humans do.
The Middle Man Conundrum
However, since we have been trained to believe in the middle-man, whether through organised religion, society, or other media, perhaps technology could act as training wheels for us to elevate ourselves into a brand new era.
Our learn-by-repetition unconscious mind tool might be activated by the training wheels of a brain implant. After some time, could we remove the brain implant and STILL operate our phone with our thought frequencies? If we partner this training programme with our inherent capacity for self-reflection, can we evolve even more rapidly?
Could we elevate our consciousness to a Platinum Age of ideation to creation in mere moments?

What Would A Platinum Age Be Like?
I wonder. Would the Platinum Age be a time where we can learn just how powerful we really are? We might enjoy a period of learning how to manifest the physical into reality with a mere dash of inspiration. Maybe technology can train us back into faith in our own power? If we’re unable to draw back the veil of disbelief by ourselves, perhaps thinking into our phone can train us to believe that our mind, or consciousness, is the creator we’ve been looking for.
Will we fully align with the idea that the frequency of our emotions and thoughts create the subjective reality we live in? And would this allow us to learn to direct our frequency to bring us into peace, harmony, pure creativity, and perfect health? If the answer is yes, a lot of companies out there will become obsolete very quickly indeed.
Is there a possibility that much of our history has been manufactured or suppressed? If we were to discover how things really went down, could it create a large enough crisis of mind to propel us into a Platinum Age at lightspeed? I enjoy mulling that possibility over!
What do you think?
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