Future NLP training delegates frequently ask, “what is the difference between NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner levels of training?” In reality, it’s a quantum leap of awareness, knowledge, capacity to deliver techniques conversationally, and the awareness that our reality is completely fluid. Let’s look at the two different levels in a bit more detail.
NLP Practitioner - The Foundation of NLP Training
NLP Practitioner offers a solid foundation that allows you to integrate the NLP mindset and toolkit into your own life, and impact others with that knowledge. The real purpose is to introduce a new perspective that allows you to increase your curiosity, mental agility, flexibility, and resilience.
By attending an NLP Practitioner Certification Course, delegates migrate from a layman’s awareness of what we think drives our behaviour, into a profound level of curiosity as they appreciate how much impact our values, beliefs, and emotions have on our daily behaviour.
Using that insight, they open themselves to ‘possibility thinking’. The realisation of CHOICE gives delegates the ability to change reactions and behaviour, leading them to a field of new, and previously unseen, opportunities.
When you learn NLP, you become competent in using skills and techniques of NLP in different contexts: business, personal life, physical performance, and purposeful mindset.

NLP Practitioner Learning Approach
Quite simply, you can’t learn to deliver NLP techniques effectively without attending the LIVE training. NLP Practitioner level affords you the ability to learn NLP using the same approach as traditional study, in addition to critically important experiential learning we engage in during the live training. Nearly all NLP students cite the coaching practice completed during the live face-to-face training (working either as the coach or the coachee) as the training element that delivers the ‘A-HA moments’. The Practitioner training helps us to understand the power and purpose of the conscious and unconscious minds and allows us to make logical sense of our behaviours.
My NLP & Time Line Therapy® courses are run in two formats. You can choose from:
1) Self-Study Online + 8-day Live Face-to-Face training
2) Self-Study+ Live Online Training + 4-day Live Face-to-Face training
Successful delegates leave with two certificates: ABNLP Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming and TLTA Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®.
Who Can Benefit From NLP Practitioner Training?
The wonderful thing about the Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner level is that you don’t need any previous experience in psychology or NLP to become proficient in the techniques by the end of the certification process. What’s more, you can register with the ABNLP and begin your coaching journey immediately after you receive your certificate.
If you’re adding NLP to your existing toolkit, the skills impact your leadership skills in business, or your coaching or therapy practice, instantly. NLP Practitioner graduates with no previous experience often begin by setting up practices in Anxiety release, Releasing Dental Phobia, Weight-loss Coaching, and Stop-smoking practices. Other graduates have no intention of using their newfound skills and perspectives professionally and enjoy the expansion in their self-confidence and the positive impact on their personal and business relationships.
What Do You Learn at Practitioner Level?

In addition to a complete grounding in Neuro-linguistic Programming, you’ll learn the tools and mindset required to:
- Strengthen your ability to connect with others – developing rapport.
- Decode verbal and non-verbal communication (beyond the obvious).
- Develop flexibility in behaviour to match context and requirements.
- Enable you to communicate more effectively.
- Increase your own motivation and support others in doing the same.
- Deliver insight into why you do what you do and the way you do them, offering you more choice.
- Help you to direct the way you think, feel and act, even in
stressful situations. - Build resilience to better manage stressful situations.
- Support you in learning new skills faster.
- Enable you to model excellent behaviours from others.
- Begin to develop the ability to hold your ideas loosely, opening you to many more possibilities and releasing you from judgement.
The Quantum Leap To NLP Master Practitioner Training
As familiarity with Practitioner-level tools becomes second nature and you see the results at work and home, the NLP master practitioner course may call you to enroll. At this level, you can get access to mastery of NLP tools, which provide flexibility in moving seamlessly, from one process to another. However, the NLP Mastery requires of us a paradigm shift in the way that we think and perceive reality. We want to make a quantum leap of faith into understanding that everything is energy.
No matter what we do, the intention of our actions will always have a greater impact on the plasma of reality than anything else. We enter the quantum mindset.
We want to have an appreciation of ancient wisdom, modern technology and the full spectrum of the NLP Master Practitioner toolkit. The idea that we are so much more than our body, emotions, words or physical reality becomes increasingly apparent. We begin to understand consciousness itself.
Ideally, we want to take such a high perspective that we are able to question every single belief we hold, whilst appreciating duality is merely a lower level representation of the same energy, operating at different degrees. It may sound easy, however challenging our long-held knowns and comfort zones can feel destabilising. Hence, we want to build our resilience simultaneously.
What Can Master Practitioners Do?
Master Practitioners are able to identify limiting beliefs just by listening to language and observing non-verbal indicators. Their skills allow them to transform themselves into the mirror or light most appropriate to leading their clients into transformation themselves. They operate beyond ego and in service of momentary needs.
An NLP master practitioner is expected to engage in long hours of study, practise tools with others and do project work that demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject and techniques. This dedication ensures an NLP master practitioner has a diverse range of solutions at their fingertips to apply at any given moment.
In the last couple years I’ve redesigned my NLP Master Practitioner training. Now, it also develops personal and business coaching skills, giving delegates total confidence to use their skills, with impact, as soon as they complete their training. Additionally, I wanted my Master Practitioners to have a greater depth of understanding of ALL aspects of consciousness, what impacts it from within, and externally. I’ve added training information on subjects including health, astrology, numerology, archetypes, the quantum world and beyond.
It can be challenging to get out of the “broken or fixed” mindset, which is a barrier to gaining mastery of NLP concepts at the Master Practitioner Level.
Studying NLP Master Practitioner With Me
As a result, to minimise fixing problems and parts, and shift us to a state of long term solution focus, I’ve designed my new Master Practitioner NLP & Time Line Therapy® course to focus on these main areas:
- Master Practitioner Level techniques in the syllabus.
- Additional learning topics that I believe will elevate your perspective.
- A deep dive into shadow work, symbols, and archetypes – promoting connection over separation.
- Acceptance of the whole self – right now – through a process of integration rather than release.
- Alignment with the energy of self and daily life.
- Learning to listen to and nourish the real you – finding home inside.
- Flow – the appreciation of constant change and growth and flexibility around our life plans and goals. This delivers us the ability to appreciate the NOW and live each moment in connection.
- Healthy mind, healthy body. I introduce recent discoveries from the world of health, neuroscience, and more to encourage you to empower you to manage your own health.

Everything Begins In The Mind
I want you to feel so comfortable, safe, and confident in the training space that you have room to play, experiment and test your new knowledge and techniques. We’ll even be looking at how you can design new interventions, by combining techniques and adding your own personal touch.
If you’re looking for a truly expansive experience that will result in transformation, I hope you choose to join me. This experience will support you in levelling up every area of your life, from your relationship with yourself to your business goals. Everything begins in the mind.
If you have any other questions about the differences between the NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner levels of training, please do get in touch and ask!
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Check out the “Redesign My Reality Toolkit” here.
Interested to discover more about becoming a coach?
Learn more about NLP Training here. I run NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner & Time Line Therapy® Training.
Find out more about Online Coaching here.
If you’re interested in personal breakthrough coaching workshops for women, you can check out my Farcical Life Programmes here.
Looking to transform your life? Check out my Alchemical W.O.W Personal Transformation Journey.
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel to access my meditations, rantras and more.
You can reach me by email at sarah@sarahmerron.com.

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