Personal Learning Journey

Personal Learning Journey: How To Make It Work for You

Your Personal Learning Journey is precisely that: PERSONAL. You will find the framework of your journey in your unique blueprint of emotional, physical, and experiential DNA. Only you can decide how to make it work for you.

There’s an ugly reality out there. Society discourages us from seeking personal meaning in our life and uncovering our authenticity, let alone embracing it. The system constantly pressures us to live up to a specific set of standards. This pressure, in turn, leads us down the path of disrespect for our truth.

From primary school, we teach children to recite data and be obedient. Religion gives people rules for being good and circumstances for punishment and fear, and yet never guides us to journey within. Many fields of psychology lead us to accommodate the status quo rather than forge a new path into possibility. Then higher education trains us to be a cog in a machine rather than how to BE human.

The Product & The Consumer

You may notice that we have become the product and the consumer and we rarely demonstrate respect for ourselves. Many of us create coping mechanisms for this soul separation and find solace in drink, drugs, over-exercise, or overwork.

We live in a world seeking external validation. Questioning daily whether we’re good-looking enough, smart enough, nice enough, ethical enough, healthy enough, working hard enough, or successful enough. We’re reliant on a system that is founded on comparisons, ironically we’re comparing apples and pears.

If you’re looking for a personal learning journey that feels meaningful, you’re going to want to forget the ‘should’, step outside your comfort zone, and get creative!

There is no RIGHT way to design your personal learning journey. Many people start by setting external goals, things to achieve in the outside world. This outward perspective is suitable if you’re looking to achieve short-term happiness. Think lust versus love.

Conversely, if you’re interested in creating real and lasting transformation in your life, to create long-term joy, you may way to begin in a different way. If you begin to know where you are and who you are on the inside, you can design a life where you can radiate joy from your core, in a sustainable way.

personal learning journey

“To learn we don’t always need to change the tangible elements of life.  Often the greatest learning arrives as we shift our perspective.”  Sarah Merron

Personal Learning Journey For Transformational Change

Not everybody is ready to break out of the societal mold, and that’s just fine. Your life is YOUR gift, and you get to do what you want with it.

So, if you want to focus on external goals, you can skip to the paragraph below detailing the Personal Learning Journey: External Focus. If you’re setting out on a journey of transformational change, you’ll want to assess every aspect of your life and identify whether it’s working for you or you are working for it!

Where can you start? In my experience, the best approach is to look at the living contexts below and score them based on how satisfied you are with each area RIGHT NOW. 

Next, identify the lowest scoring areas and decide which ONE you want to create growth in first. I recommend you work on only TWO areas in twelve months. This approach gives you the focus and space to create sustainable habits in those areas.

personal learning journey

You Have All The Time You Could Want

You may feel tempted to rush through the journey. Let me remind you that we’re all trained to perceive knowledge as an acquisition checklist rather than a joyful journey. “When I know this, I’ll be better/happy/successful.” To combat this urge to rush for the result, permit yourself to notice that your most powerful learning opportunities have nearly always arrived through personal experience rather than by understanding a theory. It’s true for you too, is it not?

Now consider the purpose for making changes in your life. Are you looking for a ‘quick fix’ or, are you looking to discover a life experience that makes your heart sing, involves daily progress on an enjoyable journey, and guides you to a place of total trust in yourself and the world around you? Only you can know.

Just for a moment, adopt the perspective that our only purpose here is to experience the physical aspect of being here on earth. If that were the case, would you choose to pursue an experience that feels good or punishing? Let’s say that you want to pursue more happiness in your daily experience, how do you identify what feels happy? Often we learn what we want to create by understanding what we’ve already manifested that we don’t want.

Once you have identified the area, or context of your life, you want to work on first, use the question set below to expand your perspective and open your mind to new possibilities.

Breaking The Habits Of Your Programming

transformational change
  1. What do you currently have in this area of your life that you want to keep or maintain?
  2. Who do you want to be in this context, that you’re not being?
  3. What do you want to do in this area that you’re not doing right now?
  4. Who are you being that you don’t want to be?
  5. Is there anything that you want to stop doing in this area of your life?
  6. IS there anything that you don’t have in this area right now that you want to create?
  7. What exists in this area of your life that you want to release and move forward without?

Is there anything stopping you from making those changes right now?

Write down a list of everything you believe is standing in the path of you making changes and moving forward.

What thoughts do you have as you re-consider what you’ve written down?

Personal Learning Journey: External Focus

1. Start with an Action Plan.

If you’re looking to make changes in your life, start by creating an action plan. This will help you identify what you need to do to reach your goal. Once you have identified your goals, break them down into smaller steps so you can see exactly where you stand.

2. Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It helps you visualise how you want things to turn out. By placing images of yourself achieving your goals on a poster board, you can keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.

3. Set Goals

Creating a vision board is an effective way to set goals and visualise them coming true. If you want to improve your career, start by creating a vision board with pictures of how you want your future self to look. A vision board can help you focus on your goals and give you something to work towards daily.

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4. Find Mentors Or Coaches

A mentor is someone who has achieved success in a particular field and shares their knowledge with others. They offer guidance and support as well as opportunities to learn new skills. A coach will question you to facilitate your ability to see more opportunities and possibilities.

5. Build Relationships.

There are two main ways to build relationships with mentors: 1) Ask them directly for advice; 2) Find people who have similar goals and interests and ask them to support your accountability.

Personal Learning Journey: The Primal Integrity™ Approach

Personal Learning Journey

The Primal Integrity™ Personal Learning Journey requires commitment. The process involves working through two life areas over a 6 or 12-month period, depending on the time you can invest in your growth and development.

We work on a ‘deep-dive’ reframing process:

  • Goal-setting & Action Plan Creation
  • Values & Motivation
  • Social Values & Archetypes
  • Emotional Release Work
  • Breaking Beyond Limiting Beliefs
  • Redesigning Your Behavioural Programming
  • Ongoing Breakthrough Coaching & Goal Tracking
  • Personalised Self-Coaching Techniques For Sustainability
    Online Coaching Sessions & Video Private Learning

If you’d like to design your personal learning journey with a coach, let’s chat about how I can support you in creating a plan that works for you, creating change that lasts a lifetime.  CLICK THIS LINK to set up a no-obligation 15-minute zoom meeting to see if we’re a good fit for one another.

Find Out More About Working With Me

Is it time to rediscover your Primal Integrity™?

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I run NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner & Time Line Therapy® Training.

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